3 Great Lessons From a Kind of Crappy Year

#134: 3 Great Lessons From a Kind of Crappy Year

Last year was a rollercoaster ride for nearly everyone I know. Lots of changes and losses and upheaval. Some sweet moments, of course. But in so many ways, it seemed like one of the most tumultuous years ever. At least in my lifetime.  

So how about you? What are the things that happened in 2017 that you can’t wait to leave far behind you? What did you lose? What went wrong? Where would you love to press the reset button? And what would you change if you could?  

I know a lot of people don’t like to dwell on the negative. In fact, I’ll jump in and say that I’m definitely one of them. But there’s a huge difference between dwelling and processing. Between sweeping stuff under the rug and taking the time to sort through it and deal with it accordingly.  

It’s okay to think about these things. In fact, it’s necessary to reflect. It’s part of grieving. It’s part of growing. It’s how you begin to design a new blueprint for a new chapter. And it’s probably the healthiest way I know to ring in a new year.  

When you move on too quickly, you often miss the important lessons that life is desperately trying to teach you. And if you don’t learn them, you’re probably going to repeat the same patterns and behaviors again. In fact, you may just destine yourself to relive the same mistakes and tragedies over and over.  

How ridiculous is that? Especially when there’s a very simple way to avoid it.  

I’m in the same boat. 2017 was a challenge for me to say the least. And I found myself groundhog-daying some pretty pervasive themes that I’ve been grappling with most of my life. I’m soooo ready to get 2018 started. Good riddance, 2017. Sayōnara. Buh-bye!!!  

But wait. Before I throw the 2017 baby out with the bath water, I bet there are some good lessons in there somewhere.  

So sit back and let me share my top 3 lessons From a kind of Crappy Year!

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