Getting Unplugged: The Gift of Taking a Break from Technology

I love technology. I love how it allows me to create things I wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. How it inspires, influences, and changes things for the better. But with every good thing, every good benefit, there comes a price.

That price peeks out every time I cringe when the phone rings, or an alert comes up telling me I have a new email and interrupts my train of thought, or my computer freezes and loses a few hours worth of work. Technology can be a good thing. But it can also be a distraction and a burden.

Recently I had the opportunity to step away from technology. I was on vacation and while I had my laptop with me, I wasn’t able to do much because it is so ancient and has limitations that prevent me from doing much other than word processing. It was a little uncomfortable at first – withdrawals kicking in of not being able to check email – but I quickly was able to adjust. And you know what? I survived. Instead of checking email 50+ times a day, I sat in silence, let my mind slow down, watched what was going on around me, was present with friends and with nature.

Now back into the full swing of my life, I am remembering how good it felt to have some freedom from technology and I’m better able to step away. I came back to find only a handful of emails that were truly important, and nothing that needed any immediate attention.

How has technology affected your life – both good and bad? What would life be like if you stepped away from technology for a month, a week, a day, or even a couple hours? Might be worth a try.

I’d love to hear about your break from technology. Leave a comment below.

Photo: Plug © by Samuel M. Livingston

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