How to Make Self Care a Priority

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

I love that Henry Ford quote. And boy do I need to be reminded of it, just like we all do, from time to time. Our thoughts are so powerful and are directly related to how we feel about ourselves, what we do, and how we interact with the world.

I don’t know about you, but for me, self-care has been a challenge for me most of my life. I’m used to putting myself on hold while I take care of things and people around me. Can you relate? There’s always a task to present itself or a crisis to divert attention away from what we imagine is (or should be) the priority. That is not to say that we shouldn’t tend to important matters in our lives. But if we continually neglect ourselves, we won’t have the ability to deal with the important things as effectively. Sound familiar?

It can be challenging, in a society where multi-tasking is expected, the media focuses on what’s wrong with the world, and our to-do lists keep growing, to take a step back or a moment away. Yet it is essential. Not only when you need a break but BEFORE you need a break. It’s vital to take time every day to care for yourself.

Here’s some ideas for you to get yourself and self care back to being a priority:

  1. Make a list of things you can do for yourself that make you feel cared for and good about yourself. Do at least one thing for yourself on the list each day for a week and notice how you feel.
  2. Journal about what self-care means to you. Share any insights with a friend and get a dialogue going about what it means to take care of yourself.
  3. Give yourself a hug and squeeze tight. You not only get some affection, it may help release some tension you’re holding in your neck and shoulders.
  4. Find a song that really inspires you and has a positive message about self-love. Listen to it…a lot. Sing with it. Make up your own words to it.
  5. Check out my FREE monthly teleseminar series on “How to Make Yourself a Priority in 2012.”

Can you think of any other quick tips for caring for yourself every day? Please share them by leaving a comment below.

Photo: To Do

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