It’s Never “About Me”

Young-woman-looking-in-mirrorOne thing I’ve learned in so many areas of my life – from dating, to parenting, to entrepreneurship – is that it’s never really about me.

From the tantrums and the defensiveness, to the epiphanies and joy, people’s reactions have less to do with me, and much more to do with them.

That may seem like an odd statement coming from someone who talks a lot about self-care, owning your value, and getting out of your own damn way. But let me explain.

I’ve been writing, re-writing, and refining the “About Me” section on my new website for months. Granted, it’s a section I’ve struggled writing on previous versions of my website for years. It’s a funny little section where you need to give people enough information about yourself for them get to know you and what you do. It also lends credibility to anything you’re offering, whether products or services.

But this funny little section is not really about me, it’s about YOU…the reader, my audience. And it’s not about me owning my value or getting out of my own damn way as much as it is in showing YOU how you can own YOUR value and get out of YOUR own damn way. Of course, the trick is I must be able to do those things first in order to pave the way.

And believe me, I have! I’m the poster child for NOT owning my value and getting in my own damn way, which led me to flip that all around.

Sure I can ramble on about who I am, where I’ve come from, and what I’ve done. I have a long list of credentials, education, training, accomplishments, and experience. And it’s interesting (to a point…at least to me and some people who know me personally). But I’ve learned that people don’t really care about all that.

That’s not to say people don’t care. Not at all. People do care. They care about their pain, their discomfort, and their fear…so much that they want to get out of it. And that’s why they’re looking at my “About Me” page. To see if I can help.

But it wasn’t until I got this key concept that my attitude and my writing started to shift. Then I realized what people really want to know is:

  • Do you know what I’m going through
  • Can you help me move past my challenge
  • Do you have answers that really work
  • Can I trust you enough to help me

And when I got really honest with myself, I realized that’s what I want to know too when I’m looking for support. Sure it’s a plus when people have fancy letters behind their name but those don’t always translate into real-world results.

Of course, there’s the balancing act of showing people what you can do for them while also showing them who you are. I’ve always had a difficult time NOT being transparent (which can be a tricky thing in certain circumstances). But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As I was crafting the latest version of my “About Me” page, what really helped me the most was remembering that I’ve been in the shoes of those who are reading it…looking for answers, support, and guidance. And what has helped me the most is someone who is brave enough to be:

  • Real
  • Honest
  • Candid
  • Vulnerable

So this is what I offer, first and foremost, in everything I do. Because if those qualities aren’t there, then what healing can really occur?

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