Letting Go and Moving Forward

Focusing on the positive while undergoing changes can be challenging. It takes practice. I don’t know about you, but I can get impatient. We live in a society of instant gratification, a “faster is better” philosophy, and I certainly do fall into that mentality, just like everyone else.

I’ve been catching myself more lately, and consciously slowing things down. I’ve been re-prioritizing, re-organizing, and re-inventing myself and my goals. I’ve gone from a multi-tasking approach to a mono-tasking approach. I’ve walked away from projects for days and re-discovered the joy of sleeping in, spending time with friends, and not planning every minute of my day. And you know what? Things are still getting done and the world hasn’t come to an end.

As I dive deeper into personal and professional change, I’m finding joy in the process. I’m able to side-step obstacles or just jump over them with minimal effort, which I must say is a refreshing departure from resistance and pain. Opportunities and people are presenting themselves at the right time. Do I still get caught up in complaining and impatience? You bet! But I don’t let it consume me and I don’t stay in it for long. For me, it’s a non-productive and potentially destructive place to be. It leaves me drained and unable to move forward as easily.

I think one of the biggest contributors to my new-found attitude is a shift I’ve made in letting things go. Things that don’t serve the higher good. Things that distract from progress. Things that get in the way of me doing what I’m meant to do and being who I’m meant to be. I realized I could grow and move toward my goals or I could wallow in self-doubt but I couldn’t do both at the same time. Think about it. When you have doubts about your abilities or worth, do you have the confidence and courage to take risks and try new things? I know I don’t. That’s not to say I don’t try, but when I move forward with joy and a positive attitude, I tend to get better results.

No matter what changes you are experiencing right now, ask yourself this: What do you have to let go of in order to move forward?

It might be physical stuff, a certain attitude, relationships, etc. Whatever IT is, make a commitment to let it go. If you don’t know how, or you are having difficulty, get some help. Here’s some tips for letting go of whatever it is getting in your way of moving forward:

  • Decide you want to let go of whatever isn’t serving you. Making a decision is a powerful thing that we don’t always think too much about. We often live on the verge of a decision, afraid to commit. But once you actually decide you want to do something, you might be amazed at how things just fall into place.
  • Pick ONE thing you want to let go of and work a little bit each day to let it go. If it’s physical stuff, take 15 minutes a day to just start clearing it out. If it’s your attitude, spend 5 minutes a day saying positive affirmations. If it’s a relationship, spend some time figuring out what you DO want out of the relationship, how you can get it, or whether it’s time to let it go.
  • Give yourself a pat on the back or compliment as you let go of whatever it is. We forget to give ourselves credit for our accomplishments (yet we’re quick to berate ourselves when we don’t progress).

I’d love to hear how you’re letting go and moving forward. Leave a comment below.

Photo: Luggage © by robef

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