My Song About Stepping Into Fear

As a singer/songwriter, I am constantly inspired. A few years ago, I wrote several songs which ended up on my CD, Into the Fire, The songs centered around my journey as a new psychotherapist and many themes emerged involving what my clients were facing. The songs included topics such as depression, suicide, borderline personality disorder, dealing with change, the therapeutic relationship, and, of course, fear.

The song I wrote about fear, Into the Fire, ended up being a bit autobiographical about my own musical journey, which has had many ups and downs. In my case, music represents passion (aka fire). I realized how intermingled both joy and fear can be in pursuing passion. It was such an inspirational song for me that I made it the title track to the CD. After listening to the song several times, I realized how much it hit home on a broader scale for dealing with the fear associated with moving forward, making changes, and pursuing passion.

In addition to the songs I wrote for my CD, I also created a Companion Booklet, which includes not only the lyrics, but also the inspiration behind each song, suggestions for using the songs for healing (for yourself or with clients if you are a mental health or healing professional), and questions to ask based on the theme of the song. I included a couple of the questions for you to ponder below as you listen to the song.

Please enjoy Into the Fire, and feel free to leave a comment below about the song or your answers to the questions.

Questions to think about as you listen to the song:

  1. What messages have others told you (either directly or subtly through their words or actions) about taking risks? Are these the same messages that help you or keep you from moving forward?
  2. How does fear of taking risks affect your life? Family? Relationships? Work? Finances? Health?
  3. What are you most afraid of with respect to making progress in your life?

Thanks for listening! Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

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