Support Vs. Sabotage: How to Tell if Your Support System is Truly Supportive

“Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top.” ~ Chanakya

If you’ve ever had a struggle and overcome it, you know that growth doesn’t just happen without some growing pains. We might be able to practice some great self care rituals, get some good routines going, but then get side-tracked because of how our journey is affecting others.

In other words, when you start to make some positive changes, people around you may not be as excited as you and start to do things that pull you back into old patterns and habits. Sound familiar? When making any kind of change in your life, it’s helpful to have support from those around you. But when what you get is sabotage and not support, it can really do a number on your progress, not to mention your self esteem.

But how can you tell the difference between someone who is truly supportive and someone who claims to be supportive but is really doing everything they can to keep you right where you’re at? Here’s some clues:

The Saboteur… The Supporter…
  • Agrees with what you are doing but turns around and complains about it to others
  • Agrees with what you are doing and tells others they agree with what you are doing
  • Has difficulty listening to you without cutting you off, changing the subject, discounting your feelings, etc.
  • Listens to your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and challenges, without judgment and without making it about them
  • Talks about how the changes you are making are negatively impacting them or others
  • Talks about the progress they see you making and offers words of encouragement to keep you going
  • Tells you what they think whether you want to hear it or not
  • Tells you what they think in a gentle and supportive way, even if it’s hard for you to hear

It may be a difficult pill to swallow to realize the people you’ve counted on in your life aren’t truly supportive of your growth, but it’s important to identify and either eliminate or reduce your contact with saboteurs if you are serious about moving forward and making positive changes.

For more ideas on how to get the support you need and deserve, please join me for my next monthly FREE Telseminar, Getting Over the Good Girl Syndrome: Learning to Say No.” Simply go to the REGISTRATION page at, and enter your name and email to get signed up. Even if you can’t attend the live call, you will get access to the recording of the call, but only if you register.

Photo: Promise? © by discoodoni

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