Some people like to dance around fear, pretending it doesn’t exist. But just because we don’t pay attention to it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Fear can often be a silent manipulator, sucking the life out of us. Before we know it, hours, days, weeks or even longer can go by and it gets harder to get out of its grip.
Let me ask you…
If you answered yes to any of these questions, fear might be to blame. But what if you could move through fear, release its grip on you, and get to the other side where fear wasn’t in charge?
Moving through fear requires action. So if you’re ready to face your fears head on, find just ONE thing you can do and go do it. You can start by doing something you know has worked in the past.
Want to learn techniques that have helped over 12 million people worldwide to overcome their fears? Join me Saturday, September 13 for a full-day workshop, “Feel the Fear And Do it Anyway.”® Get details at or by calling 602-696-8699.