How to Reach Your Goals by Being Consistent

March is the beginning of Spring and RENEWAL. And the perfect time to renew your commitment to yourself and to any new goals you’ve set for the New Year. Sure it’s easy to get off track, and that’s exactly why it’s important to take a look at it now. Before it gets even more off track and you move to an attitude of “why bother now.”

One of the biggest reasons we get off track with our goals is because they seem so overwhelming. And when life gets messy (with all the responsibilities, obligations, and endless things to do), it’s challenging not only to take on something new, but to keep it going. But when you give up on a goal, it can feel like giving up on yourself, yet again. Which can lead to further feelings of frustration.

So how do you get off the spinning wheel of overwhelm, frustration, and giving up on your goals? The answer is CONSISTENCY.

When we aren’t consistent in our efforts, we don’t get consistent results. It’s that simple. So getting to your goals requires consistent effort. It’s often the small steps we take that make the biggest difference. But when we get overwhelmed and side-tracked with all the details of our lives, it’s easy to succumb to the pressure and go back to what we know, even if what we know isn’t good for us.

Think back to when you made your New Year’s goals (or any recent goals for that matter). You probably had some excitement around the goal as you looked into the future at the result of reaching that goal. You also probably had an intention of reaching that goal that fueled your motivation and your energy to be able to work toward the goal. But what happened a few days or weeks later? Did your enthusiasm waver or did your intention get replaced with negative thoughts and inaction?

Here’s some tips for bringing a little more consistency to your goals (and life):

  1. Get clear on your intention. Make sure your actions consistently are aligned with your goal. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you want to eat healthy and exercise more often than not. I’m not talking being 100% perfect all the time…that’s impossible. I’m talking about making good choices more often than poor choices. Keep your intention close to you, in the form of a picture or a statement, and post it where you can see it several times each day.
  2. Do what works. First, you have to know what works. Find someone else who has already reached the goal you’re aiming for and ask for some pointers. You can also find information on the internet, at the library, etc. But resist the urge to quit something just because you don’t know HOW to do it. There’s always ways to find out HOW to do something in this information age.
  3. Be gentle with yourself. I cannot emphasize this point enough. We all need some incentive when we’re making changes. Reward your successes and acknowledge your accomplishments. Keep positive thoughts and energy surrounding you as you make changes. If you slip up, forgive yourself and move on.

And to learn even more of the benefits of being consistent, please join me for my next monthly FREE Telseminar, “Consistency is Key: How Routines Can Boost Your Confidence.” Simply go to the REGISTRATION page at, and enter your name and email to get signed up. Even if you can’t attend the live call, you will get access to the recording of the call, but only if you register.

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