GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Sheronda L. Barksdale

Sheronda L. Barksdale – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Sheronda L. BarksdaleListen in as Sheronda L. Barksdale talks about the power of manifestation and the missing ingredient that makes all the difference.

“The more you focus on what it is you desire, the more you’re going to attract those things.” – Sheronda L. Barksdale

ABOUT THIS GUEST: Sheronda L. Barksdale is The Vision Specialist™. She is the co-founder of Unlimited Love and Life Coaching, LLC., where they are taking a holistic approach to breaking the barriers of love and life. She is also a Life Empowerment Coach, Author, and Professional Speaker, as well as the co-host of the Blog Talk Radio Show, Love Unlimited: Relationship Coaching with Kim and Sheronda. Sheronda specializes in, stress management, time management, relationship coaching, motivation, and spiritual and personal growth. Sheronda has two associate degrees, one in Business Administration and the other in Sociology. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Counseling and Human Services. Sheronda was certified as a Life Coach through the Where Miracles Happen life coach training program by Dr. Carolyn Porter. After being strengthened through many traumatic life experiences, from homelessness, to her 1-year-old suffering a traumatic brain injury, Sheronda uses her strengths to encourage others to be empowered by their pain. Sheronda’s mission in life is to empower women to establish their vision for their life, eliminate any mindsets that may hinder their growth, and learn the necessary skills to lead a focused and passion-driven life. Sheronda’s favorite quote is by Margaret Thatcher and it says: “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to say you are, you aren’t.” Less talk. More action. www.unlimitedloveandlife.com


GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - TalibahAset

TalibahAset – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - TalibahAsetListen in as TalibahAset talks about the life-changing lessons we learn from suffering and pain.

“Not liking me is how I was in my own way.” – TalibahAset

ABOUT THIS GUEST: TalibahAset is an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner, Royal Advisor, Soul Coach Inspirational Writer and Transformational speaker, who uses her own self-styled wisdom, tell-it-like-it-is humor, and powerful stories to create powerful messages that touch, inspire and transform lives. She has overcome physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, “survived” single motherhood, gone from low-self esteem to self-mastery, and transformed extreme co-dependency into self confidence. She masterfully harnesses the lessons of failure and suffering to create, sometimes hilarious, sometimes tear jerking and always memorable and inspiring personalized royal advice for individuals or crowds. Her signature message, “Be Uncommonly Extraordinary” helps you to understand the purpose of suffering, recognize the value of failure, think abundantly, attempt fearlessly, and make a way out of no way to masterfully create for yourself an uncommonly extraordinary life. www.talibahaset.ga



GOYW Podcast graphic 1 year anniversary

Step 4 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already

On June 4, 2015, the first weekly episode of the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast aired with me sharing a bit of my story and how I got in AND out of my own damn way. Since then, I’ve interviewed guests from 8 countries across 4 continents around the world to find out how they have learned to get out of their own damn way too.

For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Krylyn Peters. I’m known as “The Fear Whisperer,” and my mission is to help female entrepreneurs and want-repreneurs tame their fear, embrace their greatness, and get out of their own damn way so they can create their mission-filled, heart-centered, soul-inspired business.

This is the second episode of my one-year anniversary series, where I’m sharing what I’ve learned from my podcast guests this first year.

Today I’m going to share Step 4 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already.

If you missed me sharing about Step 1, head on over to krylyn.com/krylyn-com50 or Step 2, head on over to krylyn.com/krylyn-com51 or Step 3, head on over to krylyn.com/krylyn-com52.

You might want to download the special worksheet I created to go along with this episode, “Accept Yourself to Greatness.” You can use it to dive in a little deeper into Step 4. 

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Step 4: Plan for Greatness (Take Action)

It’s all fine and good to know, accept, and be yourself. But in order to do those things AND fully embrace the greatness you’re here to bestow upon the universe, you must TAKE ACTION.

You may have heard me say (once, twice, or a bagillion times) that moving through fear requires action. And let’s face it, when we’re not owning up to our brilliance, fear is involved in one way or another. But here’s the question I get asked all the time in one form or another:

What action should I take?

Ahhh, that is certainly the question, isn’t it? If you’ve been paying attention, I’ve sprinkled lots of juicy action-taking get-out-of-your-own-damn-way goodness in here already. But I know you want more. We always want more. We want to know HOW to do it.

Let me just warn you that jumping to action without first knowing yourself, accepting yourself, and being yourself is not going to yield the results you’re looking for. I can almost guarantee it. I’ve done it and suffered the consequences. My guests have done it. And I’m guessing you have too. We’re human. We want results now. But results come with clarity. And clarity only comes by doing the work. So GO DO IT.

The other kicker is that it doesn’t necessarily matter what action you take, just that you take action. I know…not what you want to hear. But you simply must do something different if what you are doing isn’t working. Not only that, you must stick with it and give it time to work without ditching it in a New York minute cause it didn’t kiss you the way you wanted to be kissed.

At a personal development workshop I attended in the mid 1990’s I remember the speaker saying something I’ve never forgotten…

If you plant vague, you’re going to grow vague.

That means, the clearer you are on WHO, WHAT you are called to do, and WHY, the easier it will be to take action.

Many of my guests and I talked about the Law of Attraction – the spiritual laws of attracting to you what you desire. Keep in mind it works both ways. If we are in vibration of lower energy (the stress, overwhelm, fear, stuckness, lack of clarity, etc.) then THAT is what we will attract. But if we raise our vibration to higher energy (love, acceptance, forgiveness, clarity, focus, gratitude, surrender, etc.) then THAT is what we will attract.

If you’re anything like me, you’re looking to open door #2 with that higher energy.

But we also chatted about the missing piece that isn’t nearly as talked about as manifesting dream homes, beach vacations, and money coming out your ears…and that is what is required AFTER you know what it is you desire.

When you call the universe in to do your bidding, you better be ready to get off your ass and do something when it answers the call.

That’s right. You must TAKE ACTION.

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Here are just a few of the actions my guests have taken to get out of their own damn way:

  • Using affirmations
  • Being organized
  • Adjusting their attitude
  • Course correcting when things don’t go as planned
  • Giving to others
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Using humor
  • Journaling
  • Praying
  • Meditating
  • Resting
  • Finding the right support
  • Taking risks
  • Managing their time like a hawk
  • Being consistent
  • Asking for help
  • Following their intuition
  • Being honest with themselves
  • Taking responsibility
  • Forgiving themselves and/or others
  • Letting go of expectations
  • Trusting themselves

But you want to know the best action you can take RIGHT NOW to get out of your own damn way? It’s very simple.

Make the decision to get out of your own damn way.

Once you decide, the support, resources, and guidance you need will come. But you better be ready to act on it. No excuses. No waivering.

If you’re ready to play in the possibilities of your greatness, sign up on the wait list for my new program, Embrace Your Greatness Bootcamp, where I’ll take all 4 Steps to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and put them ON STEROIDS. People who sign up on the wait list will get first dibs on registering AND get a special bonus. Get on the wait list at krylyn.com/bootcamp.


GOYW Podcast graphic 1 year anniversary

Step 3 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already

On June 4, 2015, the first weekly episode of the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast aired with me sharing a bit of my story and how I got in AND out of my own damn way. Since then, I’ve interviewed guests from 8 countries across 4 continents around the world to find out how they have learned to get out of their own damn way too.

For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Krylyn Peters. I’m known as “The Fear Whisperer,” and my mission is to help female entrepreneurs and want-repreneurs tame their fear, embrace their greatness, and get out of their own damn way so they can create their mission-filled, heart-centered, soul-inspired business.

This is the third episode of my one-year anniversary series, where I’m sharing what I’ve learned from my podcast guests this first year.

Today I’m going to share Step 3 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already.

If you missed me sharing about Step 1, head on over to krylyn.com/krylyn-com50 or step 2, head on over to krylyn.com/krylyn-com51.

You might want to download the special worksheet I created to go along with this episode, “Accept Yourself to Greatness.” You can use it to dive in a little deeper into step 3.

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Step 3: Be Yourself

You’d think that knowing yourself and accepting yourself would be enough to fully embrace your greatness and get out of your own damn way. But you’d be wrong. A HUGE theme that came up as I interviewed my podcast guests was that of following the path we’re meant to take. We sometimes stay in a box without even realizing it – the box of the “good employee,” or the “good partner,” or the “good mother.” In other words, we’re playing that damn GOOD GIRL role we were cast in long ago, and letting it play out in every area of our lives.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a good or great job, relationship, or family. But what I hear a lot is that while it may be a fantastic situation on paper, it just isn’t matching our vision for our lives. We long for more. Something’s missing. We’re being called to a higher purpose. And for many of us, that calling doesn’t go away simply because we’re enjoying our lives. What happens is that if we ignore the call, our lives begin to fall apart, making it less a choice we’ve made than an answer to a call we ignored for far too long.

Not being yourself can look like:

  • Having a really good life or job but not really being happy or satisfied
  • Trying to fit in a box of what is expected rather than what we truly want
  • Lusting after other people’s lives
  • Talking ourselves out of “going for it” because of what others might think

The path to true greatness involves being who you are. That means giving up the good-girl, people-pleasing nonsense that was ingrained in so many of us.

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Here’s one way to shed that role:

  1. Let your light shine.

I’ve been categorizing different profiles of my clients and students for a while now, and I have to say the one where we hide in the shadows and don’t own our value is one of the biggest ones I’m seeing these days. I call it Wallflower Syndrome. Remember at the junior high dance those girls standing against the wall waiting to be asked to dance? Key word waiting.

How many of us are waiting for the time to be right, enough money to be in the bank, circumstances to be perfect, and the universe to line things up just so in order to START. It doesn’t even matter what you’re waiting to start. The point is…PERFECTIONSIM is keeping you from shining.

So what if things aren’t perfect? So what if you’re working full-time? So what if you weigh more than you want? So what if you’re juggling a million balls right now?

You are NOT your bank balance, your weight, your excuses.

You are destined for greatness and need to embrace that reality so you can stop feeling so miserable, dissatisfied, and unfilled, AND so that you can help others heal in only the way you can.

Be bold. Be brave. Be Yourself.

Take it from several of my guests who threw caution to the wind, made some bold choices, and just went for it…like Dr. Gregory Canillas, Kate Wan, Maria Allyn, Liz Dederer, Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson, Puja Madan, and Nicole Lewis-Keeber.

Once we let our light shine, we can play a little…in the world of possibilities.

  1. Live in the possibilities.

As I was going through all my guest notes, I came across this theme of living in the possibilities and wasn’t quite sure where it fit in. It encompasses all four steps and is really more of an underlying theme or even way of being. So I thought it would fit in here nicely in the BE YOURSELF section.

What do I mean by possibilities? All those yummy, awesome-sauce, fudge-covered DREAMS and GOALS you have. It’s the place you probably lived in during at least part of your childhood – the part that got squashed as you got older and the “shoulds” took over.

The land of possibilities is also where our greatness lies. It involves creativity, fun, play, and all the child-like things we sometimes do silently in our minds when others are acting a hot mess.

It’s the dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening place. Full of YES and wonder and “what if,” rather than NO and “if only” and “yeah, but.”

Got it?

Now go there…what do you SEE, FEEL, and HEAR? WHO do you see? WHERE are you? WHAT are you doing? HOW are you helping those you are here to serve?

Take it from:

Derrick Kwa who asked himself “what’s the worst that could happen” before reaching out to some big name people in his industry who ended up helping him.

Stephanie Ghoston who said “I can do anything.”

Philip Dhingra who talked about the joy of missing out – JOMO.

In the last installment in this special one-year anniversary series, I’ll be sharing Step 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already.


Adele Brimâge image

How Your World Changes When You Love Yourself by Adele Brimâge

Guest Post by Adele Brimâge

Adele Brimâge picture

Let me start by asking you some questions?

When was the last time you indulged yourself and did something that you enjoyed that felt good, for no other reason than it made you feel happy?

When was the last time that you told yourself how wonderful, beautiful, smart and amazing you are? Have you ever told yourself, if not why not?

I know I hear you say who does that sort of thing, and you are right who does…not many people, but why not? What can possibly be wrong with appreciating and loving yourself, the way you find it really easy to love others?

Did you know that there are many benefits to loving yourself, and learning to appreciate yourself, not many people do this, but it has a massive impact on every area of your life?

If that has got your attention then lean in and let me tell you more.

You see, loving yourself, having respect for yourself, and knowing your value all sit at the very core of many things such as:

  • How much confidence, assertiveness, and decisiveness you have
  • Your well-being
  • The amount of money you have
  • Your ability to create and enjoy the kind of life that you want and desire

Having self-love can and does affect the decisions you make and how quickly you make them. How you see yourself and look after yourself.

Everything you do or don’t have in your life like, love, money, great partner, good friends, amazing career and the list goes on, is either there or not because of the internal value that you put on yourself.

Did you know that by loving yourself you increase your value from the inside? This happens because you start to embrace your true self, so a by-product of loving yourself and building value internally, also builds external value, abundance and wealth.

It’s a fact that we only accept what we think we deserve.

You see, if you have any negative feelings or beliefs about yourself that you think on a regular basis, some of these may even be hidden from you, they are mirrored back to you in your life, and can be identified by the things you attract into your life. So take a look around you, what is your current life saying to you?

Until you start to love yourself there can be an inner battle going on inside you that divides your energy and will sabotage your best efforts, preventing you from moving forward in any area of your life, and will continue to bring back situations and events that you may want to avoid.

If any of this resonates with you ask yourself:

  • What’s the downside to loving myself?
  • What the upside to loving myself?

Take your time with this; the greatest thing you will ever invest in, in your life is you.

For many people learning how to love themselves is the hardest thing they have ever done, but it’s so worth it, your life will one day thank you for starting this journey.

ABOUT THIS GUEST:  Adele is a Transformational Life and Business Coach and Inspirational Speaker, who’s mission to help and impact passionate women and a few visionary men to find and fall in love with the dynamic confident ambitious women/men they truly are, to remove any barriers holding them back, learn how to become unapologetic about who they are have more confidence and unshakable self-belief in all areas of their life. She challenges their thinking and helps them to acquire a mind-set that sets them up for success and propels them forward to easily achieve all they desire and increase their wealth and abundance in whichever area of their life they want to see real sustainable change. Adele helps her clients to stand out, make a bigger impact, and move to a higher level in their life, career or business. www.adelebrimage.com

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Adele Brimage

Listen to Adele’s Get Out of Your Own Damn Way podcast interview HERE.





GOYW Podcast graphic 1 year anniversary

Step 2 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already

On June 4, 2015, the first weekly episode of the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast aired with me sharing a bit of my story and how I got in AND out of my own damn way. Since then, I’ve interviewed guests from 8 countries across 4 continents around the world to find out how they have learned to get out of their own damn way too.

For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Krylyn Peters. I’m known as “The Fear Whisperer,” and my mission is to help female entrepreneurs and want-repreneurs tame their fear, embrace their greatness, and get out of their own damn way so they can create their mission-filled, heart-centered, soul-inspired business.

This is the second episode of my one-year anniversary series, where I’m sharing what I’ve learned from my podcast guests this first year.

Today I’m going to share Step 2 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already.

If you missed me sharing about Step 1, head on over to krylyn.com/50.

You might want to download the special worksheet I created to go along with this episode, “Accept Yourself to Greatness.” You can use it to dive in a little deeper into Step 2.

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Step 2: Accept Yourself

Once we know who we are, we might expect it to all be rainbows and unicorns. But often, it’s not. The next step is just as necessary to getting out of our own damn way as knowing ourselves, and that’s to Accept Ourselves.

In Step 1 when we’re getting to know ourselves, we might be faced with some harsh truths about ourselves, how we’ve handled (or not handled) things, what we’ve said and done to contribute to our own unhappiness. And let me tell you, if you choose to stay stuck in regret, shame, guilt, unworthiness, or any other thought or emotion that doesn’t serve your growth, that is a CHOICE. Yep, I said it. It’s a choice.

What else might not accepting yourself look like:

  • Sabotaging your efforts to start or grow your business
  • Not owning your value and the expertise you bring to the table
  • Feeling like a big fat fraud no matter how many certifications you have or initials there are after your name
  • Making excuses for why you can’t do something

Luckily, berating yourself is only ONE option. Another option is to learn to accept yourself. So let’s go over some of the great ways you can do that.

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1.  Take responsibility without beating yourself up. 

I cannot stress enough the importance of taking responsibility. This means accepting all the GOOD things along with the not so good things. But I find fem-preneurs tend to up-play their flaws and down-play their awesome. STOP DOING THAT. Yes, taking responsibility involves “owning up to your mess” as guest Victoria Klein said, but it also involves owning up to your greatness. And that, my friends, seems to be the real issue here.

Having a big-ass mission is scary. And when things are scary we tend to back away and go from an overly competent, overachieving, multi-talented, butt-kicking mogul to a drooling puddle of goo on the floor. Again STOP DOING THAT.

I promise, once you start taking responsibility for the things you’re not proudest of, your confidence will skyrocket, your brilliance will sparkle, and you’ll be allowing space for all the greatness within you to pour out and do its magic.

But you need to put those big girl pants on, buck up, and do it.

Like my guests StevieAnne Petit, Donya Zimmerman, Anna Lundberg, Jacqueline Freeman, and Je Tuan Jones

And Nicole Marie who boldly declared “I have a choice to continue not to live this way.”

Once we take responsibility, I think it’s important to introduce a bit of gentleness to our practice of accepting ourselves. The theme of self love and acceptance was one of the biggest ones talked about by my guests. So let’s dive into another way you can accept yourself, which just happens to be something I say to my clients and students ALL THE TIME:

2.  Be kind and gentle with yourself.

I wish we were all on the same page with this one. That I could just say those words “Be kind and gentle with yourself” and you would know exactly what I mean, what to do, and go do it. But alas, it is a practice. One we need to engage in frequently and on an ongoing basis.

Loving ourselves touches on so much…from the food we eat, to the things we say to ourselves, to the standards we hold ourselves to, to the rituals we practice daily that either support or hinder our growth.

Several of my guests honed in on the importance of loving ourselves…Adele Brimâge, Barbara Iuliano, Heather Criswell, and Wendy Whitmore, to name a few. 

One of the most touching interviews I had was with Cathy Sikorski, a lawyer turned humorist who helps caregivers of terminally ill patients. She talked about the effect humor can have on lightening things up so we don’t lose our minds. And in our conversation I shared a very personal story about the final moments I spent with my mom before she passed.

THIS is what I mean by being gentle. We must stop DOING and start BEING. Give ourselves permission to forgive, surrender, allow, and be seemingly inappropriate from time to time.

Like guests Leah Cox, Mary Calesto, Dr. Mekel Harris, Monique Alamedine, Stacey Blanchet, and Stéphanie de Geus.

In the next installment in this special one-year anniversary series, I’ll be sharing Step 3 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already.


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