Nourish Your Brain: The Neuroscience Behind Overeating, Stress and Other Emotional Challenges with Bethany Perry, IAHC, CAN, AAEC, ERYT, Your Brain Body Intuition Coach

CAWS 2015 speaker - bethany

Are you as fascinated by neuroscience and the inner workings of the brain as I am? Then join me as I interview Bethany Perry, Your Brain Body Intuition Coach, as she shares some fantastic tips on anti-aging, the food-mood connection, and the role intuition plays in creating optimal health. You guessed it…it’s all part of the second annual Creativity and Wellness Summit coming up in a few weeks. Sign up for FREE at:

We will discover how a brain that is undernourished can create stress on your mood, body, and health. Many people attempt to manage symptoms by doing things like working harder at the gym, deprivation diets, blames shame game, give up and give in… but really they are not fixing the problem because most of the challenges they experience originates in the brain.  To have true wellness you need to nourish  the specific brain parts that are under or overactive, but sadly, this isn’t taught, so most often you are likely aging your brain prematurely. In this cutting edge presentation you will learn:

  • What neuroscience is and how it relates to your life and health.
  • The food-mood connection and why you are overeating and not losing weight.
  • How hormones alone may not be responsible for your weight gain, night sweats,  etc.
  • How to anti-age your brain, so that you have vibrant health into your golden years.
  • The relationship with aging and brain chemistry.
  • How the thoughts you think actually have the power to keep you stuck where you are.
  • The magic of intuition to create a life you will love and health that you have always desired.



About Bethany: An emerging thought leader on combining the healing power of Neuroscience and Intuition Bethany transforms the lives of individuals and families challenged with weight, ADD, anxiety and depression by assessing individual brain health, and utilizing Nutrition to acheive balanced lifestyle. Bethany’s extensive knowledge of health is what heals lives. Her unending love of people is what transforms lives. Bethany is a Speaker, Health Coach, Neuroscience Life Coach, Yoga Instructor, Amen Clinic’s Brain-health practitioner, and member of FAARM Medical Fellowship.

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The Key is to Apply Your Oxygen Mask Before Assisting Others with Tina Leigh, Mindful Living Consultant, Therapeutic Chef

CAWS 2015 speaker - tinaEver wonder what small, little shifts you can make that will make a HUGE difference in how you feel about yourself? Join me as I interview Tina Leigh, Mindful Living Consultant, Therapeutic Chef, in the second annual Creativity and Wellness Summit. Sign up for FREE at:

When traveling, we are advised to apply our oxygen mask first before assisting others. This guidance is applicable to our every day, and it is by adopting this practice that we fall deeper in love with our true essence…we show up in the world authentically and unapologetically. By doing so, we maneuver through life with greater ease and happiness, and invite others to do the same. In this presentation, you will:

  • Learn how to adopt and implement simple and meaningful rituals of self love.
  • Be invited to unwind the tangled misconception that being “busy” is sexy.
  • Learn how to make food consumption + lifestyle choices that are in alignment with your higher-self.
  • Unravel misconceptions about meditation and learn to approach this life-shifting tool with ease so you may access greater calm, clarity and happiness anytime and anywhere.

About Tina: Tina Leigh is a Mindful Living and Integrative Health Coach, Author, and Therapeutic Chef. She supports individuals, entrepreneurs, and consumer brands such as ABC Carpet & Home, Yoga Body Naturals, Navitas Naturals, Vega, Meriwether Group, Dragon Herbs, and many others. In addition, she is deeply experienced in the publishing world, having successfully written, edited, and published four books including Balanced Raw, Superfood Juices & Smoothies, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Low-fat Vegan Cooking, and Heed Your Call. She is a certified yoga practitioner and devout meditator, and brings calm, balance, and positive energy to all interactions.

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Pathway to Healing: Mindfulness for Everyday Living with Mekel Harris, Ph.D., NCSP

CAWS 2015 speaker - mekelJoin me and Mekel Harris, Ph.D., NCSP, as I interview her on using mindfulness for healing in the second annual Creativity and Wellness Summit. This is a practice I use myself and with clients. She is a professor and international speaker and she’s going to share not only WHY mindfulness works, but HOW! You will NOT want to miss this! Sign up for FREE at:

Mindfulness, practiced since ancient times, reflects the art of engaging in intentional and non-judgmental awareness of each moment-by-moment experience. While previously considered an “alternative” approach to health and wellness, current research supports the use of mindfulness as a pathway to physical and psychological healing. In this presentation, you will:

  • Gain an understanding regarding the origins and use of mindfulness practices.
  • Appreciate the array of mindfulness practices in modern society (e.g. yoga, tai chi, mindfulness meditation).
  • Learn the potential physical and emotional benefits of mindfulness and mindfulness practice in everyday life.
  • Experience the impact of mindfulness via an experiential exercise.

About Mekel: Mekel Harris, Ph.D., NCSP, Assistant Professor at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, possesses expertise in health psychology, assessment, and consultation. She has presented at over 20 conferences since 2010, target child health and grief/loss issues. Apart from teaching, she is a licensed, practicing, pediatric psychologist. Dr. Harris completed her doctorate at University of Houston, followed by post-doctoral training at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. She is writing a memoir, slated for completion in summer 2015.

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Imagine: Cultivating a Creative Life on Purpose with Steven T. Dahlberg, Director, International Centre for Creativity and Imagination

ICAWS 2015 speaker - steve am so excited to welcome Steven T. Dahlberg, Director, International Centre for Creativity and Imagination, to the second annual Creativity and Wellness Summit. He’ll help us understand how EVERYONE (yes, even YOU), has the capacity to be creative and create a life on purpose. Learn more about what Steven will share below. Sign up for FREE at:

“Every human being is an artist.” – German Artist Joseph Beuys … We are all creative beings – continually challenged to tap into those fundamental passions that are part of ourselves, while leaving behind the judgments and blocks that keep us from living our purpose. Discover how to think in new ways, generate new ideas, and make new connections. Be inspired to imagine, connect and act … to create new possibilities for your life and work. In this presentation, you’ll:

  • Understand that everyone has the capacity to be creative — and that we can intentionally foster this capacity.
  • Learn how creativity drives purpose and meaning — and vice verse.
  • Discover how to connect your personal creativity to engaging in purposeful life and work.
  • Explore the implications of creativity and purpose for aging and later life — and why we don’t have to wait until then to cultivate a creative life on purpose.

About Steven: Steven T. Dahlberg heads the International Centre for Creativity and Imagination, which is dedicated to applying creativity to improve the well-being of individuals, organizations and communities. He co-hosts the “Creativity in Play” radio show and authored the foreword to the book Education is Everybody’s Business by Berenice Bleedorn. He serves on the board of the National Creativity Network, has taught creativity courses at several universities, and collaborated with many different organizations. 

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One of the Top Ways to Get Unstuck

Do you feel overwhelmed, STUCK, burned out, caught up in F-E-A-R?

How many times do you hear people talking about being stuck? Stuck in:

  • Financial situations
  • Jobs
  • Relationships
  • Thoughts
  • Fear

Stuckness seems to be an epidemic.

Being stuck keeps us in the same place. Keeps us from moving to the next level. From living the life of our dreams. No matter how much we may say we want it to change, we get comfortable with the discomfort of our lives.

Not only do our circumstances seem grim when we’re stuck, but it also takes a huge toll on our emotional and physical health. Our bodies may feel tired, run down, tense, and achy, while our emotions may run from fear, to irritability, to worry. And this might lead to destructive behaviors, like over-eating or over-working, and negative thoughts like “I don’t deserve to be happy.”

And you know what? It really sucks! AND…we’ve ALL been there!

The thing is we think that being stuck is the problem. It’s not. Getting unstuck is where the problem lies.

There is a way OUT of stuckness and INTO the peace of mind, joy, and happiness you’ve been longing for.

Imagine your life and being able to:

  • Dissolve the stuckness that has a hold on you
  • Break through barriers and unlock the door to possibilities and prosperity
  • Move from negative patterns to positive ones that will propel you forward
  • Find solutions to everyday problems easily and effortlessly

So what’s the key to getting unstuck? Simply…it’s looking at things in a different way. And the absolute best way to do that is through the use of creativity.

Now I know what you may be thinking…”I’m not a creative person.”

But let me challenge that for a minute. Creativity is nothing more than being able to make something that is new and useful. I like to think of creativity as a way to solve everyday problems. And we all do that, don’t we?

I think what trips most people up is the idea that creativity is only about artistry. Writers, musicians, painters, poets, dancers…are all creative. Their creativity is seen in the outcome – the novel, the song, the painting, the poem, the dance. But creativity is also about the process – being in the moment with inspiration and allowing whatever comes to happen.  And this is why I can confidently say that you are a creative person even if you have never believed that.  Let me show you what I mean.

See if any of these seem familiar:

  • On your way to work you see a detour sign that prevents you from taking your usual route to the office
  • Your child comes home and says they have a project due tomorrow that they haven’t even started yet
  • A bill comes in the mail that needs to be paid a week before your next paycheck is deposited
  • A marketing idea you poured lots of time, energy, and money into in your business doesn’t yield the results you expected

If you’ve experienced any of these situations (or others that involve being faced with the unexpected), you’ve had plenty of opportunity to be creative. We all have experienced the process of being creative, which involves identifying a need (or a problem) and fulfilling that need (or solving the problem).

So how are you creative in solving everyday problems?

If you’re looking for creative tips for getting unstuck, I invite you to join me as I interview experts who share their most powerful and creative healing tools in the Creativity and Wellness Summit. Get more details and register at

The Dirty Little Secret Healers Are Afraid to Tell You

What could someone whose job, no calling, is to help you out of your stuck places and be the best version of you possibly be afraid to tell you?

It’s a dirty little secret among healing experts. Some embrace it. Some shy away from it. And some downright avoid talking about it.

The truth is (gulp)…We are human too.

I know this isn’t a shocker. But there are people out there who pretend like they got it all together all of the time when we all know that is a big fat LIE.

You either know someone or are someone who pretends life is a bowl of cherries and that you are above it all (at least part of the time).

The truth is most experts have SUFFERED. We’ve been to hell and back…a few times. And while we’ve come out stronger and wiser, we STILL have stuff to deal with just like everyone else.

Aside from the education and training we get, our best teachers are our mistakes, our failures, and all the CRAP we’ve had to overcome. We are experts because we know (inside and out) where our clients have been. Of course we all have different circumstances and different stories, but the way out is similar. We know the way out, even if we get stuck sometimes

There’s a phenomenon among experts too that many people don’t realize. Because we have compassion and empathy for others, we have a strong sense of integrity. That means we sometimes feel like frauds when we don’t have our stuff together…24/7. How can we help someone get out of their way when a part of our life is falling apart? It seems strange and out of sync.

But who has their life completely together in every area all of the time? Even doctors get ill, athletes gain weight, financial gurus file bankruptcy, and marriage therapists get divorced. So why would healing professionals be expected to be perfect all the time?

As someone who has been a healer for a long time, I must admit I still get blind-sided by the realization that life won’t be (nor should it be) perfect all the time. Stuff happens. And the best I can do, just like everyone else, is deal with it.

What helps me most during times when I am hard on myself for not having it all together?

  • Turning to my support system. I have a great support system of people (personal and professional) who tell it like it is. They’re not shy about pointing out when I’m getting in my own way and reminding me how to move it along (and be kind and gentle with myself).
  • Remembering the waves. Life has its ups and downs, like waves. If I can remember it’s all part of the natural flow, I’m able to more easily ride the wave and not get caught under water.
  • Embracing resistance. Whenever I notice resistance about something, which may come in the form of procrastination or avoidance, I ask what the deeper meaning is behind it. Sometimes I just need to give myself a break. And sometimes I need to let go of something completely.

One thing is for sure – I’ve been an expert in getting in my own damn way. And I’m sure I’ll continue to do that from time to time. It’s part of the journey. I’m grateful for all the lessons along the way that continue to remind me that it matters less that I get stuck and more that I get unstuck. I’m fortunate to have learned and practiced some of the best tools for getting unstuck and I love helping others along their journey as well. We’re all human, and we’re all in this together!

Looking for more inspiration about getting out of your own damn way? Join me for the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Jam Sessions, where I highlight people who have been there, done that, gotten out of their own damn way, and boldly embraced their dream and greatness. Get prepared to be inspired. Join us at

Photo by: Sarah

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