8 Songs to Help You Celebrate Your Success

This month is all about celebrating our success here at krylyn.com. Are you ready to let your hair down, shake your groove thang, and get to some celebrating? Sometimes, we need a little musical inspiration to help light a fire. So crank up those speakers and enjoy some of my favorite songs that highlight the art of celebration.

1. Celebration‬ by ‪Kool & The Gang‪

2. Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

3. One Moment in Time by Whitney Houston

4. Let’s Get It Started‬ by ‪The Black Eyed Peas‪

5. Footloose‬ by ‪Kenny Loggins‪

6. ‪Put One Foot in Front of the Other‬

7. Oh Yeah by Yell

8. I Believe‬ by Fantasia

How to Accept a Compliment

When someone pays you a compliment do you typically respond by stating all the reasons it isn’t true or what obstacles you’ve had or in some other way negate what the other person has said? For some reason, it seems we are allergic to compliments or even acknowledgement of a job well-done. Our society focuses so much on improving and looking for what’s wrong (rather than what’s right), that it’s hard for us to know how to act when someone points out something positive. It just seems so unexpected.

Yet think about how easy it is to think of the negative things. Our society thrives on negativity, fear, and drama. It’s everywhere in the media. Just watch a news cast, tabloid magazine show, reality TV, etc. and you won’t have to wait long to hear what so-and-so said about that person (gossip) and how to improve any and every area of your life (read you’re not good enough the way you are). It’s like we’re actively looking for the bad stuff. So much so it can be hard to see the good. And that leads to missing all the positive things going on in our lives, even the little things we’ve accomplished, mastered, and overcome.

I believe it’s often the smallest things that make the biggest difference. But what happens when those small success go unnoticed? We can get grumpy, thinking nothing is ever going well. We can lose sight of what we want, what we’re striving for…lose focus and motivation…and develop a really bad attitude about ourselves, others, and everything around us.

So how do we get back to noticing the small, positive things? It really is just about noticing, being aware, and looking for it. Here’s some tips:

  • Next time someone says something positive to you, notice if you have any thoughts spinning around coming up with reasons you don’t really deserve the compliment. Words or thoughts such as “yeah, but” or “you don’t have to say that” are clues you might have difficulty accepting any positive feedback. Instead of spouting negatvie stuff, simply smile and say “thank you.”
  • Start conversations with people by pointing out something positive about them. It could be the way they look, their clothes, or the way they handled a recent situation or project.
  • Notice at least one thing you enjoy about life each day and acknowledge it.
  • Give yourself at least one compliment every day. You DO deserve it.

For more tips on how to celebrate your journey and look at the successes you’ve had along the way, , please join me for my next monthly FREE Telseminar, To Your Success: Celebrating Every Step of the Journey.” Simply go to the REGISTRATION page at https://krylyn.com/free-teleseminars/to-your-success, and enter your name and email to get signed up. Even if you can’t attend the live call, you will get access to the recording of the call, but only if you register.

Photo: Free Compliments © by ilovememphis

Coming Full Circle: One Songwriter’s Journey to CircleSongs á la Bobby McFerrin

I wrote my first song at age 8 and by age 14 was composing fully arranged songs. Songwriting became my “drug of choice” as a teenager. I used songwriting to cope with growing up in a chaotic environment where neglect and abuse ran rampant. Songwriting was not only my form of escape from all the drama going on around me, but also a way for me to express some pretty deep thoughts and feelings.

Even though I came from a musically-inclined family, I didn’t feel much support from any of them as I came into my own as a young musician. But I did find support and inspiration from people who shared their talent and vulnerability in their own music.

In the 1980’s, I stumbled upon the most unique vocalist I’d ever heard – Bobby McFerrin – who used his voice (and body) as an instrument. His vocal ability left me in awe. Mind you, the 1980’s were a magical time for music discovery. MTV and VH1 were just starting out. I don’t remember exactly where I first heard Mr. McFerrin, but I do remember the first song I heard. Take a listen below.

After watching his performance, I was hooked. I began a journey of more creativity and improvisation in my own songwriting. I began singing non-sense type lyrics and just vocal sounds over musical phrases I’d created with my synthesizers and drum machine beats. Friends and family I shared these little experiments with either LOVED them or didn’t. There wasn’t much in between. But for me, the experience of improvisation was profound. There was a freedom in the creative process I hadn’t felt before, the idea that I could do anything with the sounds and that was okay. It didn’t have to be perfect.

This kind of experimentation opened up doors for me as I continued my songwriting journey. I began using non-traditional instruments in my arrangements (such as wooden spoons pounded on phone books) and continued to explore using my voice as an instrument. I also created a capella arrangements, using my voice for all parts of a song (bass, percussion, chords, etc.). I always seem to come back to the voice.

When I found Mr. McFerrin trained others in some of his improvisational singing techniques, I was on board. The only problem is that when I found out, it was just after he had led a workshop in New York at the Omega Institute in 2005. Year after year, I checked back with the institute, but no more classes were scheduled. Then one fateful day in January 2011, an email came into my inbox announcing the return of McFerrin’s CircleSong workshop. I signed up immediately and had an amazing experience studying with him and his team of faculty in late August-early September 2011. (That’s a picture of me and Bobby to the left, September 2, 2011, in New York).

It is with deep joy and awe (and Bobby’s blessing) that I bring the CircleSong experience to my local community in Phoenix, Arizona. For further information about CircleSongs and to listen to samples of CircleSongs I led while studying in New York, please visit http://www.krylyn.com/circlesongs. To register for an upcoming CircleSong group go to http://circlesongs.eventbrite.com.

Watch and listen to the first song I ever heard by Bobby McFerrin…

Get Your Success On

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. It is a delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead-end street.” ~ William A. Ward

While most of us tend to wallow in what we perceive as our failures, the truth is we have many more successes in our lives. But what we focus on is what we see, and what we attract more of in our lives. Focus on the negative or the failure, and WHAM…there it is. Focus on the positive or success, and WHOMP…there it is. Here’s a little inspirational video to help us get back to focusing on what’s most important. Enjoy!

The Dance of Life: How Two Steps Back Isn’t A Bad Thing

One step forward, two steps back. The journey of life can sometimes feel like an intricate dance. Make a little progress, then things seem to slide back to where they were – to that uncomfortable place. While most people see any backward movement as a failure or at least something not good, let me just say that it’s totally normal.

Healing is a journey, not a destination. If we lived a life without having contact with others, hold up in our homes without any responsibilities to family, employers, and friends, then maybe we wouldn’t have to contend with as much juggling and backwards movement. But probably not. Typically what is responsible for backward movment has less to do with others and more to do with us – our thoughts and our habits.

When we first start making changes – any change – we might start strong, trying new things. But it takes a lot of consistency and repetition to create a new habit. We still are dealing with old ways of thinking and behaving that support our old habits. So we must be on the watch for the old stuff to creep in, catch it, then continue with our new ways of thinking and behaving to counteract it.

The first time we feel ourselves slipping back to old habits is generally where people stop trying, seeing it as proof that the new way won’t work. But this is precisely when we need to continue on with the new stuff, remembering that it is a journey, and that consistent effort is the key to long-lasting success.

So how can you continue stepping forward even slightly after a backslide? Using the dance analogy, I’d say that you just step forward again. If you watch people dance (literally), you’ll likely see that they move forward, backwards, and sideways. If they aren’t moving forward now, they likely will be in just a few beats. And if they move backward, they don’t stop dancing, declaring defeat. Backward movement is part of the dance. Just as it is in life.

Moving backward provides an opportunity to see things from a different perspective. You might find that something (a thought, belief, or action) didn’t work as you expected, so now you know to tweak it a little and see if that changes the direction of your movement.

Here’s some other suggestions on how to navigate the dance of life:

  • Remember that it is the culmination of steps that matters. Today it might be two steps back and one forward, and tomorrow might be ten steps forward and one step back. If you are moving forward more than backward, you are headed in the right direction.
  • You are moving forward more than you think. We tend to focus on what we don’t like, such as backward slips. We forget to celebrate and honor the forward movement.
  • Expect movement in all directions. It is often when we assume that life should always be forward movement when we are most disappointed. But if you go into any new challenge expecting there to be movement in different directions, you will set yourself up for a more realistic picture of what will happen.
  • Think of movement in any direction as an opportunity. We learn from everything and movement provides us an opportunity to see what works and what doesn’t.

Looking for more inspiration about navigating the dance of life? Join me for the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Jam Sessions, where I interview powerful people who have been there, done that, gotten out of their own damn way, and boldly embraced their dream and greatness. Get prepared to be inspired. Join us for FREE at www.krylyn.com/GetOutOfYourWayInterviews.

Photo: IMG_3850 © by Huron Tours & Travel

Gratitude Journal: Day 30

Today I am grateful for lazy afternoons. I love giving myself the gift of time to recharge my energy by stepping away from work and projects on my to-do list. We can easily forget that in order to be productive we must take regular time away.

Got your own gratitude to share? Feel free to post a comment below. Also, please join me for this month’s FREE telemseminar, “Turn That Attitude Into One of Gratitude (And Melt That Negativity Away).” Click here for all the details.

Photo: Lazy sunday afternoon, I

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