Gratitude Journal: Day 7

Today I am grateful for discomfort, for it is in the discomfort when we get to learn what we’re truly made of. Uncomfortable situations and discussions help us to grow and practice new ways of doing things and saying things. When we move into discomfort with loving intention, we can trust that what we do and say will be of benefit to ourselves and others.

What are you grateful for today? Feel free to share your gratitudes by posting a comment below. Also, please join me for this month’s FREE telemseminar, “Turn That Attitude Into One of Gratitude (And Melt That Negativity Away).” Click here for all the details.

Gratitude and Happiness: A Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg

“Today is a gift and the only appropriate response is gratefulness.”

Award-winning cinematographer, director, and producer Louie Schwartzberg shares his incredible visual work in a short film on gratitude and happiness. Joined by Brother David Steindl-Rast’s (spoken words) and Gary Malkin (musical composition), Schwartzberg’s short reminds us of the beauty that is all around us.

“That Everyone you meet on the street will be blessed by you. Just by your eyes, by your smile, by your touch, just by your presence. Let the gratefulness overflow into blessing all around you. Then it will really be a good day.”

Gratitude Journal: Day 6

Today I am grateful for sharing my voice as a voter in today’s election. I am awed by the strength and courage of people who have come before me in paving the way to allow people the right to vote and have a voice who not so long ago in history were silenced. Regardless of the outcome of the election, I am grateful to live in a country where I can stand up and say “this is what is important to me.”

Got your own gratitude to share? Feel free to post a comment below. Also, please join me for this month’s FREE telemseminar, “Turn That Attitude Into One of Gratitude (And Melt That Negativity Away).” Click here for all the details.

Photo: Vote! © by kristin_a (Meringue Bake Shop)

Gratitude Journal: Day 5

Today I am grateful for friendship – the kind that lasts over time and overcomes challenges, differing points of view, and long distances. To be in the presence of someone who has been on this journey with me for most of it, and who still accepts me, supports me, and makes me laugh and get in touch with my inner silliness (and strength) is tremendously impactful.

How about you? What are you grateful for today? Feel free to share your gratitudes by posting a comment below. Also, please join me for this month’s FREE telemseminar, “Turn That Attitude Into One of Gratitude (And Melt That Negativity Away).” Click here for all the details.

Photo: Friends will be friends © by Marianne Perdomo

How to Switch Off the Negative and Switch On the Positive

Think about what you think about most of the time. Does your inner dialogue consist of criticism (of yourself or others), negativity, judgments, what-if’s, shoulds, etc.? Or does that inner voice say much kinder, gentler words of encouragement, support, and positivity? My best guess is that we’ve heard it all, but we tend to listen to the harsher side more often.

When we’re born, we are a clean slate of possibilities, love, and non-judgment. As we get older and are exposed to various environments, other people’s perspectives, and experiences, our perspective changes. We adopt filters through which we see the world. There’s as many kind of filters as there are thoughts and feelings, but the two most basic ones are: Negative and Positive.

Using a negative filter, our perspective is always a bit tainted. We are critical of ourselves, which means we’re also critical of others. We may see the world as a big scary place and have difficulty trusting not only others but ourselves. Our life experiences have taught us that we are not safe, at least not completely, and that it is necessary to have our guards up. Our inner thoughts reflect our inner turmoil, and our behaviors are in line with this overall negativity too.

With a positive filter, our perspective is also a bit tainted. However, we are able to see the good in ourselves and others, and realize the positive side of most situations. When life throws a curve ball, we are able to quickly adapt and alter our thoughts and actions accordingly. Our inner thoughts reflect our belief that everything’s going to be okay. And we are able to make decisions from a more centered place.

One big difference between using a negative and positive filter is in what we look for. I’m a strong believer in that we can find evidence to support anything we want. If we are looking for the negative, we’ll find it…and a lot of it. But contrary to what we think, when we find the negative, we’re not more likely to turn it around. We’re actually just fueling a fire of justification, of being right, and saying “see, I told you life couldn’t be trusted.” And when we’re in that place, we tend to stay there.

If we are looking for the positive, we’ll also find that…and a lot of it. We can see that other people’s actions are about them, not us. We understand we may not have control over what happens around us, but we do have control over how we respond.

The good news is that you can choose to switch your filter from negative to positive at anytime. It’s really just about a shift in your attitude. Here’s some tips on how to make that shift:

  1. When you feel negativity creeping in, stop and take a deep breath. Say something completely contrary to what you are thinking. For example, if you think this is the worst situation you’ve ever experienced, tell yourself “I am so fortunate that this is all that is happening. Things could be worse. And I am strong enough to handle this.”
  2. Remind yourself of what you have to be thankful for. Make a list of all the wonderful things you have going for you. Keep this list with you at all time and refer to it when that negative filter rears its head.
  3. Make a preemptive strike. Before negativity even has a chance to surface, say something positive to yourself. You might start your day by using positive statemtns such as “I am confident,” I am strong,” “I am safe,” “I can handle any situation with grace and ease.”

We can all go to that dark, negative place sometimes. But we don’t have to stay there. Learning (and practicing) ways to switch over to the positive side can be truly beneficial to you in so many ways.

For more tips on HOW to turn that negative attitude around fear, please join me for my next monthly FREE Telseminar, Turn That Attitude Into One of Gratitude (And Melt That Negativity Away).” Simply go to the REGISTRATION page at, and enter your name and email to get signed up. Even if you can’t attend the live call, you will get access to the recording of the call, but only if you register.

Photo: Lights! © by TheGiantVermin

Gratitude Journal: Day 4

Today I am grateful for silence as I am able to be still with myself, honoring my thoughts, feelings, mind, body, and spirit. It can be a challenge to slow down and be present with oneself. And I embrace this opportunity with open arms and a willingness to be present and non-judgmental. I allow my inner critic to take a break and enjoy the beauty of the present moment.

Got your own gratitude to share? Feel free to post a comment below. Also, please join me for this month’s FREE telemseminar, “Turn That Attitude Into One of Gratitude (And Melt That Negativity Away).” Click here for all the details.

Photo: Meditate © by RelaxingMusic

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