Calm Vs. Chaos: Which Will YOU Choose?

Less stress in life is a goal for many and the new Stress is A Choice movie offers concrete tools on how to simplify life and relieve stress. Check it out…

Is Your Inbox Too Full?

“Sometimes it seems your ever-increasing list of things to do can leave you feeling totally undone.” -Susan Mitchell and Catherine Christie

What do you immediately think of when you read the title of this article? Your email inbox? Most people would think that. And this article was inspired by my very full email inbox, so it only makes sense.

As more and more emails seem to flood my inbox in recent weeks, I’ve noticed my stress level shoot up, the tension in my shoulders increase, and the anxiety of all the anticipated additions to my already overflowing to-do list. I’m signed up to receive information about health, business, wellness, spirituality, music, home improvement, etc.

When I remember, I stop and take a breath and realize I’ve invited all these emails into my life. My inbox (and reaction to my inbox) tells me a lot about what is going on in other areas of my life.

Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or a life coach) to realize I have a lot of things going on. I have a tendency toward workaholism and part of this condition (at least for me) sometimes is the failure to realize how over-extended I am until something like a very full email inbox nearly brings me to tears. My inbox mirrors my life and all the responsibilities I have taken on.

With that awareness comes a choice: to continue letting things accumulate in my inbox or to filter things out that are no longer relevant. Each choice has its own set of consequences. But it all really comes down to priorities, which are constantly shifting, depending on what is going on.

So I ask…how full is your inbox? And if you’re not happy with how full or empty it is, what are YOU willing to do to change it? Here’s some tips for how to gain some control over your inbox (i.e. life):

  1. Make a SHORT list of priorities and post them in places you can see around your house.
  2. Delete an email that’s been sitting in your inbox for more than a week. It’s okay, the world will NOT come to an end.
  3. Unsubscribe from an email list that either doesn’t fit with your priorities right now or that you don’t have time for. You can always subscribe to it again when things settle down.
  4. Take some time for you. A little each day is best, if even for 5 minutes, to center yourself. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  5. Set your timer. If you need reminders to wake up or take your clothes out of the dryer, doesn’t it make sense that a timer might work to remind you to do something for yourself? Like STOP going through your email inbox, or breathe, or whatever else you choose. Give it a try.

I’d love to hear what shifts you’ve made to get control over your overflowing inbox. Leave a comment below.

Photo: Paper Weaving © by FeatheredTar

Book Review: Learning to Love Yourself: A Guide to Becoming Centered by Gay Hendricks

If you’re ready to hunker down and really do some work toward finally learning to love yourself, this is a great place to start. Author Gay Hendricks interjects many examples into this book that help illustrate his points. The main message: self acceptance. But he doesn’t stop there. He shows you practical and useful tools to get there. Some of what he teaches seems deceptively simple, but once you start REALLY doing it, you can see how powerful it can be at uncovering those hidden layers of self-deprecation. This has been a tremendously helpful resource for me both personally and professionally.

You can find “Learning to Love Yourself: A Guide to Becoming Centered” by Gay Hendricks at Amazon.

Looking for other great SELF CARE resources? Check out my recommendations:

Give, and then Give Some More – Making the Most of Your Relationships

What are you doing to make the most important relationships in your life be all they can be? Enjoy this 3 minute movie, The 100/0 Principle which shares the most effective way to create and sustain great relationships with others.

How to Make Self Care a Priority

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

I love that Henry Ford quote. And boy do I need to be reminded of it, just like we all do, from time to time. Our thoughts are so powerful and are directly related to how we feel about ourselves, what we do, and how we interact with the world.

I don’t know about you, but for me, self-care has been a challenge for me most of my life. I’m used to putting myself on hold while I take care of things and people around me. Can you relate? There’s always a task to present itself or a crisis to divert attention away from what we imagine is (or should be) the priority. That is not to say that we shouldn’t tend to important matters in our lives. But if we continually neglect ourselves, we won’t have the ability to deal with the important things as effectively. Sound familiar?

It can be challenging, in a society where multi-tasking is expected, the media focuses on what’s wrong with the world, and our to-do lists keep growing, to take a step back or a moment away. Yet it is essential. Not only when you need a break but BEFORE you need a break. It’s vital to take time every day to care for yourself.

Here’s some ideas for you to get yourself and self care back to being a priority:

  1. Make a list of things you can do for yourself that make you feel cared for and good about yourself. Do at least one thing for yourself on the list each day for a week and notice how you feel.
  2. Journal about what self-care means to you. Share any insights with a friend and get a dialogue going about what it means to take care of yourself.
  3. Give yourself a hug and squeeze tight. You not only get some affection, it may help release some tension you’re holding in your neck and shoulders.
  4. Find a song that really inspires you and has a positive message about self-love. Listen to it…a lot. Sing with it. Make up your own words to it.
  5. Check out my FREE monthly teleseminar series on “How to Make Yourself a Priority in 2012.”

Can you think of any other quick tips for caring for yourself every day? Please share them by leaving a comment below.

Photo: To Do

Want to Love the Reflection in the Mirror?

February is the month of LOVE. While most of us automatically think “Valentine’s Day,” flowers, chocolates, and cuddling with that special someone, I’d like to propose a different kind of love for us to celebrate. It’s the kind of love that most of us don’t talk about, or maybe even think about, yet it’s one of the most important kind of loves we will ever have.

Self love.  (I know…I used TWO four letter words in a row).

If you’re ready to take a bold and daring look at what there is to LOVE ABOUT YOU, please join me for February’s FREE Teleseminar… Loving the Reflection in the Mirror: The Secret Power of Self Love and Positive Self Talk..In this teleseminar, I’ll cover:

  • The Connection Between What You Say to Yourself (either out loud or silently) and the Success (or Failure) in Every Area of Your Life
  • How to Treat Yourself the Way You Deserve to be Treated
  • 3 Steps You Can Take to Love the Reflection in the Mirror

Don’t delay. Sign up today. The live call is coming soon. But don’t worry, if you can’t attend live, you can still sign up and get access to the recording. Simply go to the REGISTRATION page and enter your name and email to get signed up.

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