Overcoming common fears that get in the way of greater success and happiness is the focus of the upcoming workshop, “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway®.” The one-day event Saturday, September 13, 2014, is based on the best-selling book of the same title that focuses on helping people be more assertive, attain personal and professional goals and improve self-esteem.
The program is facilitated by Krylyn Peters, a licensed psychotherapist and certified life coach, who is also licensed by Susan Jeffers, LLC to teach “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway®.” The workshop begins at 9 a.m. at New Visions Center for Spiritual Living, located at 18010 N. Tatum Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85032. Pre-registration is required
The workshop includes experiential activities to help participants move from fear and indecision to action. “Moving through fear requires action. I give people tools so they can overcome what is keeping them stuck. Most people have thoughts or worries that can block them from taking steps toward even the most desired goals,” explains Peters.
Participants have stated that the program is “life-changing if you use the tools” and that the event “helped me understand that I can change and that I should not fear it.”
“Many people have limiting beliefs such as ‘I’m not good enough to do this’ or ‘What if I fail?’ that hold them back,” says Peters. “The workshop helps them identify their specific fears and then build an action plan to move them forward.”
To register, sign up at www.krylyn.com/feelthefear or contact Peters at 602-696-8699.
Thanks for participating in the first Creativity and Wellness Summit….
Please leave a comment below to let me know what was most helpful about the Summit and how I can be of service on your creative healing journey.
If you didn’t get a chance to listen in, find out how you can get access to all the recordings and transcripts at http://www.CreativityAndWellnessSummit.com.
Listen in as Steve Dahlberg and Mary Alice Long interview me on ways to overcome fear, stress, and life transitions through creativity. You’ll even hear a little improv singing going on…all part of the process.
For more tips on using creativity to work through stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and fear, join me for the Creativity and Wellness Summit, a FREE LIVE online event where I’ll be interviewing 16 experts who will share their best tips to help you move through the barriers that keep you stuck personally and professionally. Register at http://www.CreativityAndWellnessSummit.com
Do you consider yourself to be creative? Do you think creativity is reserved for the lucky few who have certain skills and talents? It’s amazing how often people are quick to declare themselves as not creative simply because they don’t paint or play an instrument or do something else that is artistic. Creativity is something we all possess, whether we realize it or not. While we may not show creativity in artistic expression, it’s in there. And creativity is an essential ingredient to leading a healthy, happy, balanced life. Come listen as Kelly Galea interviews me and I share:
For more tips on using creativity to work through stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and fear, join me for the annual Creativity and Wellness Summit, a FREE online event where I interview experts – psychotherapists, coaches, authors, and spiritual healers – who will share their best tips to help you move through the barriers that keep you stuck personally and professionally. Register at http://www.CreativityAndWellnessSummit.com
I’m curious.. what was the first thing you thought of when you got out of bed today?
Just a few years ago I used to wake up and lay there wondering what the heck I was getting out of bed for, paralyzed by an illusion of confusion, a serious lack of clarity about what I wanted to do with my life and how I would ever get all of this potent creativity out of my body and into the world.
The long and short of it is this: I used to dread. waking. up.
Can you relate?
Have you ever had a period of your life where you didn’t want to get out of bed? In fact, you may have wanted to stay there all day?
I know what that feels like!
And now, I know what it feels like to wake up and have the very first thought come to my mind be ‘Thank you, Thank you, Thank you’ as I wrap my arms around my body and say to myself, ‘I love you Laura.. I love you sooo much! I am whole complete and perfect, I am healthy wealthy and wise.’
What a turn around from just a few years ago!
The shift began when I started to step out of victim mode and into my power.
After reading Charles Haanel’s The Master Key six months after starting my first business, I was struck by his message to begin noticing what I was focusing on. Was I focusing on what I want or what I don’t want?
Guess what?! As open minded, aware and conscious as I thought I was, I realized that more than 50% of the time I was thinking about what I don’t want, what wasn’t working and feeling the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be as some type of cruel joke that the ‘Universe’ was playing on me.
I decided it was time for a major perspective shift!
Instead of wondering HOW I was going to do it, I began to focus more on the gifts that I dreamed of sharing with the world.
Instead of focusing on the gap, I started focusing on the next step as it became very clear to me that BABY STEPS BECOME QUANTUM LEAPS!
I want to be very clear with you about something… this journey has not been easy. It has taken a concerted effort on my part to become absolutely diligent about noticing where my focus was, what was I thinking about and then shifting my thoughts in the moment.
I BECAME THE WITNESS to my internal dialogue in new and powerful ways..
I made a commitment to myself to listen to my heart, and that subtle voice inside that may not be very loud, but keeps showing up over and over again (in my heart, in my head, on the computer, out on the street, in a magazine or book.. you know the one!)
Here’s the thing.. for most human beings our lives, businesses, legacies are developed over time by choosing one thing, then the next, then the next.
I used to want it to just HAPPEN ALREADY! I mean… Haven’t I DONE ENOUGH WORK YET? Haven’t I SUFFERED and TOILED enough already?! When will it be MY TIME to SHINE?! And when will I get that much-needed BREAK to leapfrog to the next level?!
I also realized that I was showing up as a victim once I started to ask myself (or be asked by my twin sister, my coach, and other empowered people I surround myself with), ‘Where’s your power when you try to blame someone else for where you haven’t gotten to yet, what you haven’t achieved, what you haven’t done?’
Hmmmm…. great question!
Here’s what I know to be true: If it all happened at once it might not work out so well, because we need to build new muscles in order to hold the gigantic space that Universe, God/Goddess, Creation is calling us to hold.
Everyone has their own journey.. ENJOY the journey and forgive yourself when you start to compare yourself to others and feel crappy about your own evolution/transformation!
We all have our unique set of gifts and challenges..
As all of this was marinating and percolating within me, I decided to put together a small group of ladies to collaborate, write songs and sing together. Through this Divine guidance, I channelled a song I now call Get Up.
The chorus poured out of me: “Get up get up right now, get out of your way. The world is calling you, to leave your greatest legacy!”
This has since become a powerful mantra for me and many others to remind us to get up and get out of our way so we can do our greatest work in the world. Remember, the Universe is in fact conspiring to shower you with blessings. Every challenge is an opportunity your SOUL has created for you to shine most brightly in this moment and always.
I find that mantras are powerful vibration and energy-boosters that I now integrate regularly into my experience. Tapping into your creativity daily makes a huge positive impact on your attitude and keeps you connected with your essence, so you can be maximally effective in all areas of your life. Click here to access more of the mantras and inspiration I share regularly!!
I’m thrilled to be one of the featured guests on Krylyn’s Creativity and Wellness Summit and I’ll be sharing about the power of mantras to uplift, energize and empower your life. Look forward to connecting with you on my interview Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 6:00PM PST / 9:00PM EST. You can access “Get Up” as my bonus gift to you just for signing up for the Summit at http://www.CreativityAndWellnessSummit.com.
Many blessings along your journey and keep getting UP (.. out of bed.. and out of your own way!!)
Remember the telephone game from childhood? In a circle, one person whispers to another person a phrase, and that person then whispers it to the next, and so on until everyone has passed the phrase around. Rarely (if ever) does the original message get through to the last person. There’s typically a variation of the original. This has to do with perspective. How we hear something, which is affected by our filters.
When I work with clients, I often talk about perspective. What we see, hear, think, and feel is filtered through a combination of our past experiences and our beliefs, which color how we see, hear, think, and feel.
Perspective is a powerful thing. When we are able to look at something from another perspective, it allows us to move outside ourselves and our filters and get a different point of view. What may look very clear from one perspective suddenly is not clear or is so different it hardly resembles what we originally thought.
Seeing things from a different perspective allows us to:
The old saying “walk a mile in my shoes” speaks to this idea of perspective. If we can get outside ourselves long enough to learn where someone else is coming from, it can go a long way in bridging misunderstandings.
As a pictorial representation of perspective, here are three photos of the same landscape taken in different seasons, courtesy of my dad. What do you notice about this scene in each photo. What is the same? What is different? How would you describe each photo?
I challenge you to take one situation in your life and look at it from someone else’s perspective. Learn what it’s like to look at something and think about it differently. Then take what you learn and choose how to act and how to be. You might be surprised at what happens.