Category Archives for Get Out of Your Own Damn Way

Listen to Dr. Gregory Canillas’ “Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Story” on August 13, 2015

Join me as I interview Dr. Gregory Canillas on Thursday, August 13, as part of the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Jam Sessions. Powerful people sharing powerful stories of how they tamed their fears, embraced their greatness, and got out of their own damn way. Sign up to listen in for free by entering your name and email below.

[color-box]Thursday, August 13, 2015, 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST

Dr. Gregory Canillas |

GJCBeach5Psychologist and professor Dr. Gregory Canillas, known to friends and colleagues as “Doc”, takes a “keep it real” approach to his work both with clients and in training the next generation of therapists. His easy going attitude, coupled with a sharp insight that misses nothing, has made him popular with students and clients alike. His clinical work, research and teaching have focused on the entire range of relationship issues from trauma, abuse and infidelity to conflict resolution, spirituality and self esteem. He has worked with children, adolescents, adults, students, foster parents and anyone who needed help to better understand themselves, their relationships and their place in the world. Doc’s goal is to use his considerable education and experience to help people to live their best lives.


Don’t worry if you miss the live interview. Sign up to get free access to the recording.

Why I Want My Email Subscribers to Get Off My List

Unsubscribe-ButtonNo, I haven’t lost my marbles. I’ve actually gained a new perspective. One that makes me unabashedly bold in asking for what I want.

Once I realized my old approach of being a bit wishy-washy in asking people to sign up for my workshops, programs, and coaching and purchase my products were not only NOT working, but seeming to scare people away, it was time to develop a new approach.

As part of overhauling my business and marketing message, and unleashing the new brand Get Out of Your Own Damn Way, something switched over in me. I can no longer handle wishy-washy people in my tribe or on my email list (or in my life for that matter).

What do I mean by wishy-washy? People who…

  • Are perpetually on the fence and not committing to anything
  • Say they want change but never do anything about it
  • Complain about how OTHER people should change
  • Focus on problems without ever looking at solutions
  • Continually seek the quick-fix, easy way out, rather than what is proven to work
  • Refuse to try new things

Just like in dating, I have absolutely NO time OR patience in dealing with this kind of non-sense in business. It’s a waste of everybody’s time and energy.

Here’s the thing…I KNOW there are people on my email list who are mostly quiet but are still getting value from what I share and teach. There are people on my list who lurk. They soak up all the fantabulous tips I send out like a sponge and they actually use those tips to better their lives. How do I know? Because every once in a while, one is brave enough to come forward and say so.

I also know there are people on my email list who have the best of intentions but simply cannot read every newsletter or email I send out. Like me, they have a lot of balls to juggle and must continuously prioritize. But when they do make the time, they are grateful and amazed at how the information seems to speak to them. How do I know? Because every once in a while, they let me know by sending a quick email back or calling me up on the phone or sending me a message on Facebook.

There’s a difference between people who are stuck and have absolutely no intention of changing no matter what opportunities they get handed to them, and people who are stuck and are doing the best they can with every intention (which is often backed up with action) of making positive changes.

To be clear, wishy-washy is NOT the lurkers or the “I’ll get to it when I have time” crowd. To them, I say YAY, and please stay.

To the wishy-washy crowd, I say here’s your opportunity to move on. I’m breaking up with you. We’re not a good fit. I wish you all the best AND please unsubscribe and GET OFF MY LIST!

Oh, and if you’re not already on my email list (but would like to be), simply enter your name and email below and I’ll get you hooked up! This is the “no frills” version that’ll get you a nice little welcome email and a subscription to my twice monthly e-newsletter.

If you’re looking for some fancy free “ethical bribes” (i.e. you want something really cool in return for your name and email in addition to the e-newsletter), check these out:


Listen to Mary Caelsto’s “Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Story” on August 6, 2015

Join me as I interview Mary Caelsto on Thursday, August 6, as part of the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Jam Sessions. Powerful people sharing powerful stories of how they tamed their fears, embraced their greatness, and got out of their own damn way. Sign up to listen in for free by entering your name and email below.

[color-box]Thursday, August 6, 2015, 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST

Mary Caelsto |

mary_buffy_032015Mary channels the wisdom of animals and nature to help others create meaningful rituals that bring peace and joy back into their lives. From her acreage in the Ozarks, she utilizes a mix of spiritual coaching, support, and handcrafted products to help others become the catalyst for change in their own lives. She shares her land with horses, geese, chickens, cats, the office rabbit, parrots, and her family, including her husband and her mom.


Don’t worry if you miss the live interview. Sign up to get free access to the recording.

It’s a Re-Brand: How My Business Baby Done Got Borned


Picture this: January. Ready for new beginnings. Stuck in old patterns. Desperately wanting things to change but not sure what the first step is to take. Knowing you have something completely earth-shatteringly life-alteringly amazing to share with others.

Come on now. I know I’m not the only one who’s been there.

Enter some soul-searching, tough and real (and kinda painful) conversations with friends, colleagues, and mentors. And the thought that “I’ll give it one more try, but if this doesn’t work, I’m getting a damn (gulp) job again.”

Business owners do this dance…often. We are intimately familiar with the dance of “things aren’t working” and “it’s time to change direction…again.” Yet it’s still scary. I mean, white-knuckle, hold-your-breath, eyes-wide-shut kind of scary.

And yet we soldier on. Why?

Because we have vision. We have a big mission to fill. We are driven by unseen forces and a knowing that our path, even though not easy, is the only one for us. We are trail-blazers. We are risk-takers. We are believers in magic, love, change, choice, abundance, and healing.

So what gets in the way?

I will speak for myself (but I know that my words bring voice to many of you out there).

I get in my own damn way!

In January 2015, my business was tanking. Things got hard. People weren’t registering for my workshops like they used to. People weren’t responding to my offers like they used to. It was like…crickets.

I had some tough decisions to make. And I had to take a long and honest look at what wasn’t working. After the initial shock and berating myself and stomping around like a petulant child, I got over myself and realized what I had done to contribute to the demise. And you know what? Something amazing came out of all of it.

During one especially difficult conversation with my business coach (when she jokingly says she made me cry), she backed me into a corner with this simple question: “What do you want your customers and clients to do?”

For those of you who have customers and clients, you know this isn’t always such an easy question to answer. Typically, I would hide behind words like “feel better,” “lower their stress,” or “improve their relationships.” Of course, I do want this for my customers and clients. But honestly, these are a bunch of fluffy words that don’t really mean anything because they’ve been used to death. I’ve also hidden behind the veil of losing clarity, getting unclear and foggy about what the hell it is that I do. And let’s just say, my coach does NOT let me get away with that one AT ALL.

So she pushes me. And during this conversation, she pushed me further and harder than ever before and wouldn’t let me off the hook. Tears streaming down my face, in a booming voice, and without any hesitation, I yelled at her: “I want them to get out of their own damn way.”

There was a moment of reverence after I belted it out. And she said, quietly, in stark contrast to my loud declaration, “that’s your brand.”

And my new brand was born: GET OUT OF YOUR OWN DAMN WAY!

Here we are, months later, and my new brand is finally out there. I’ve connected with colleagues, clients, and customers all over the world who resonate fiercely with it. And it is taking my business in new directions that are exciting and unexpected.

Don’t get me wrong, the road hasn’t been easy. In fact, I’ve had to re-declare every step of the way as I’ve crafted my new marketing messages, redesigned my website, created a new quiz (“How Are YOU At Getting Out of Your Own Damn Way”), and all the other things involved with a major business makeover.

But every step has been worth it. I am an entrepreneur. I did not choose the easy path. I chose the one that lets me express my soul’s work by being a beacon and a model for those I serve. My brand is Get Out of Your Own Damn Way, and that’s exactly what I must do in order to help my customers and clients do the same.

I’ll be sharing more about my re-brand journey in upcoming articles…all the lessons I’ve learned and the epiphanies that come with stepping out more fully into my greatness.

Got a comment? I’d love to hear it…leave it below.

Listen to Dr. Mekel Harris’ “Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Story” on July 30, 2015

Join me as I interview Dr. Mekel Harris on Thursday, July 30, as part of the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Jam Sessions. Powerful people sharing powerful stories of how they tamed their fears, embraced their greatness, and got out of their own damn way. Sign up to listen in for free by entering your name and email below.

[color-box]Thursday, July 30, 2015, 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST

Dr. Mekel Harris|

164622_1778810432718_7825574_nDr. Mekel Harris is a licensed psychologist, Associate Professor, international speaker, community advocate, and mentor in the Los Angeles area. Her specialty areas include health psychology, consultation, and grief and loss. She is finalizing a memoir, focused on her grief journey, following her mother’s death in 2012. Aside from professional pursuits, Dr. Harris loves to travel and experience new cultures, sing, spend time with family (including her sweet Beagle), and journal. She continually strives to get out of her own way and realizes that living a mindful and faith-centered life is the only way for healing, connection, and blessings to flow!


Don’t worry if you miss the live interview. Sign up to get free access to the recording.

Unraveling the Good Girl Part 2: Five Tips to Escort Her Out of the Building

woman giving double thumbs upIn Part 1, Unraveling the Good Girl Part 1: Four Things This Little Beeatch Has to Say, I dove into some of the things my inner good girl has taught me, despite my attempts to cut her off at the knees.

I find it a blessing (and sometimes a bit of a nightmare) that there’s a lesson in EVERYTHING. Sometimes I just want to pout and have my tantrum. But alas, my years and experience in getting out of my own damn way faster and more efficiently help me see the silver lining even in the most bleak of situations.

Okay, good girl, you’re forgiven.

Now that we’ve covered what she’s done for us, we can move on to bigger and better things – namely how to not let her run our lives anymore.

As I mentioned in Part 1, my coach gave me a kick in the pants when she saw my good girl popping up recently. Sometimes it takes someone on the outside to call us on it. But other times, we just need to heed the signs and press forward. Here come the tips:

  1. Acknowledge the good girl. Remember, she’s just trying to protect you like she’s done before. She means no harm. But she also needs to be acknowledged. When you notice your good girl coming out to protect you, let her know you see her.
  2. Thank the good girl. After acknowledgement comes gratitude. Yes, she can be a pain in the ass, but thank her anyway. Thank her for trying to protect her.
  3. Forgive the good girl. After you thank her, let her know you forgive her for all the shenanigans, making you look like a fool, making you act like a doormat. Since she is a part of you, that means you must also forgive yourself.
  4. Let the good girl know you got it from here. You’re a grown-ass woman now with grown-up responsibilities and the power to make things happen. It’s okay to dismiss the good girl and let her know she’s no longer needed.
  5. Put on your big girl pants. It’s time to put on those big girl pants and take responsibility for yourself. That includes your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. No more blaming the good girl who doesn’t want to make waves. Make those waves, honey! Splash around and have fun with them while you’re at it.

The good girl may come back from time to time, but you have control over how long you let her hang around.

What are your thoughts on unraveling the good girl? Leave a comment below.