Ever hear the saying “you are what you eat?” Our physical bodies can certainly be affected by what we put in our mouths. The fuel we feed our bodies affects our energy level and our overall health. But how often have you really thought about the fuel you put in your mind? And how that fuel can affect what you do and how you feel?
Thoughts are the fuel of the mind. From a simple thought such as where to place your foot as you step forward to more complex thoughts involving making life-altering decisions, make no mistake that your thoughts help create your reality. We are constantly thinking. Even as we sleep, our brains are processing information that sometimes come out in the form of dreams. We wake with thoughts – what do I need to do today, or what am I going to have for breakfast. We go about our day having a millions thoughts involving what we will do, what we will say, where we will go, etc.
Our thoughts give us clues about how we feel about ourselves, others, and the world around us. Try this little exercise: take out a piece of paper and write down 10 words that describe you. I’ll wait…(you’ll want to write the words down before reading further).
Now look more closely at your list. Do the words you wrote down describe your physical self (how you look, your body) or your character (who you are, your believes, values)? Do the words have a more negative or positive spin for you? In other words, did you describe yourself in critical terms, things you don’t like about yourself? Or did you describe what you like about yourself? This is a quick little test to see where you are RIGHT NOW in your thoughts.
Once you know where you thoughts are, you have a better understanding of what drives your feelings and your actions. When we think negatively about ourselves, we typically feel bad (sad, hurt, angry, frustrated, worried, confused, etc.). And if we feel bad, we are more likely to make poor choices about everything – what we say and do, the food we put in our mouths, the amount of sleep we get, etc. Conversely, when we think positively about ourselves, we generally feel good (happy, content, peacful, at east, etc.) and make better choices.
For tips on how to use your thoughts to feel better and make better choices, please join me for my next monthly FREE Telseminar, “Suffering is Optional: Your Mindset Creates Your Reality.” Simply go to the REGISTRATION page at https://krylyn.com/free-teleseminars/suffering-is-optional, and enter your name and email to get signed up. Even if you can’t attend the live call, you will get access to the recording of the call, but only if you register.
Photo: Smile © by romainguy
“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.” ~Anthony J. D’Angelo, The College Blue Book
It’s always amazing to me where I find inspiration. From driving around, to a story in the news, to the own inner workings of my mind, ideas come from anywhere and everywhere. Yet, having the time to do anything with that inspiration is another story. Or, shall I say making the time to do something with that inspiration…
After succumbing to some of the stresses of my life over the last few weeks, I realized I haven’t been doing as much with my inspiration lately as I would like. I found myself griping about all the “shoulds” and “have to’s” on my to-do list, and lamenting the days when I had time to let an idea just unfold, whether it was working on an article, book, song, etc. A while ago, when I was having a long pity party, my son looked at me and simply said “if it’s that important to you, you should spend at least two hours a week doing it.” Out of the mouths of babes. Why didn’t I think of that? Truth is, I had, but rather than just acting on it, I was spending time stuck in all the things keeping me from what I wanted to do. Does that ever happen to you?
Do you ever notice that it seems to take much more energy complaining than it does doing something to change the situation? I know it does for me. Yet it is easy to fall into the illusion that complaining is helping. That is not to say that venting about a difficult situation isn’t helpful. It sure can be to alleviate some of the pent up feelings. But when venting becomes frequent and is just a rehashing of the same things, it can become destructive and unhealthy.
The trick is to get yourself out of that stuck place and into the space where inspiration lives again. Although it can seem like a monumental task (which is another illusion), it may simply be a matter of changing your mind.
Here’s some things to try that may help you jump start your inspiration and get out of that stuck place:
Instead of spending your precious time and energy focused on what you don’t want, make an effort to focus on what you want. I bet you’ll notice a difference. And I’d love to hear about it. Leave a comment below.
Photo: Light Bulb © by olga.belobaba
If you want to grow corn, plant corn. Simple concept. But when it comes to what we want in life, what seeds do we plant?
Think of your thoughts as the seeds. Are you planting clear goals with specific outcomes? Or are you planting vague ideas, fear, or other things you don’t necessarily want?
Be mindful of your thoughts, for they are the gatekeepers to your future. What you plant today you will surely see the evidence of tomorrow.
Here’s a little movie outlining this concept. Enjoy!
Do you often struggle in one or more areas of your life? Finances, health, relationships, work, etc.? It seems like the areas in which we find challenges are ones we focus on, which only makes sense if you believe, like many of us seem to, that you must fix what is broken. Society bombards us with messages of improving these (and other) areas of our life. And we must listen, because the messages keep coming.
But how much time do we spend focusing on the areas that ARE working well? If you’re like most people, I’m guessing you don’t focus much on those at all. It’s easier to see what we don’t like rather than what we do. It’s only human nature. Yet, if we’re breathing (and reading this), we must be doing something right.
It’s all a matter of perspective.
Focus on what ISN’T working and you create more of…what isn’t working. Focus on what IS working and you create more of that. Simple concept. Tough to keep in mind when life happens around you.
So what are you doing that is working for you? Do you take time to recognize those things, or just gloss over them, sometimes unconsciously, on your way to thoughts of what isn’t working well? Take some time to focus on what is working and shift your perspective. Here’s some tips to try:
Remember, life has its ups and downs. What you choose to focus on contributes to how you deal with those ups and downs. So go focus on what’s working well and see what happens.
Photo: Examining Clouds © by katerha
Need a boost of inspiration? Watch this lil’ movie and enjoy some nuggets of wisdom for how to build success all around you – in business, in family, in life.
“Our job as creators is the what and the support we will be given from the universe is the how.” ~Sonia Choquette as interviewed by Jennifer McLean on Healing with the Masters
Imagine, if you will, a boxing ring. In one corner is something you want – a goal. It could be something you want to buy or something you want to achieve. If that goal were a person, imagine what he/she would look like. How tall, how big, what does their face look like, and what kind of feeling do you get when you look at them? This person represents WHAT you want.
Now, in the other corner is everything that needs to happen before you can get your goal. It could be money, time, energy, or a number of other things. If the thing (or things) that need to happen before you achieve your goal were a person, what would he/she look like? How tall, how big, what does their face look like, and what kind of feeling do you get when you look at them? AND how is it different from the person in the opposite corner? This person represents HOW you get WHAT you want.
And if you want to go even further, imagine these two people actually going at it in the boxing ring. Who throws the first punch and who wins the first round? I’m guessing you either have a smile on your face imagining this scene or a look of frustration or fear.
To be honest, my HOW person seems about 10x bigger, scarier, and more menacing than my WHAT person, who seems very sweet, happy, and ready to conquer the world. But to be brutally honest, these two people are actually two sides of the same person…me.
Often, we get caught up in the HOW of the situation when really we should focus on the WHAT. What do YOU want? Think about it. And then think about it some more. Does your mind stay focused on the WHAT or does it wander to the HOW? I’m the first to admit my mind spends a lot of time thinking of HOW, getting stuck in HOW, which leads to negativity, frustration, and fear. I find when I’m able to stay focused on WHAT I want, the HOW works itself out. People and opportunities magically show up at the perfect time that help support me in manifesting my WHAT.
Here’s some tips to help you find and focus on your WHAT:
Now all you need to do is sit back and watch the how unfold in front of you. I’d love to hear WHAT you want in your life and HOW it is manifesting for you. Leave a comment below.
Photo: india © by The U.S. Army