Category Archives for Relieving Stress

A Word About Life’s Challenges: The Onion Always Has More Layers

“Whatever you have forgotten, you can remember. Whatever you have buried you can unearth. If you are willing to look deep into your own nature, if you are willing to peel away the layers of not-self you have adopted in making your way through the tribulations of life, you will find that your true self is not as far removed as you think.” -Meredith Jordan

Just when I think I’ve transcended a challenge, another one pops up that is similar or somehow related to the initial challenge. Does this ever happen to you?

There’s an analogy you may be familiar with about peeling back the layers of an onion. Basically, it means that a challenge or problem we’re faced with has many facets and the deeper we go to deal with it, the more we find out…about the challenge, other people involved in it, and ultimately ourselves.

Even when we think the challenge is over, it may come back again days, weeks, or years later disguised as something new, but really, it relates to something old. This happens to me and I’m getting better at recognizing how new challenges are just old ones in disguise.

I believe there’s always more layers. More to learn, more to experience, more to transcend. While it may be easy to get frustrated by this, think about it this way…what would life be like if there weren’t anything more to learn? Once you bask in the simplicity of living such a life, really think about it.

It really boils down to willingness…to be open to the lessons and to be gentle with ourselves in the process. I do believe we learn the most about ourselves during times of challenge. So, go find a challenge today, embrace it, and try these tips:

  1. Identify one challenge. Does it involve a relationship, your job, finances, health, etc.? What feelings do you have about your challenge? What thoughts? Where do you feel it in your body? Have you experienced these same feelings, thoughts, or physical issues with other challenges? How were those challenges similar to the one you are currently facing? Journal your answers and see what comes up.
  2. Embrace the emotion. While you may feel pain, fear, discomfort, or a slew of other feelings as you go through a challenge, know that that is normal. When we make an effort to avoid our feelings (with distractions such as work, TV, food, etc.) we are really doing a disservice to ourselves. It is important to allow the feelings to come up, experience them, and then let them subside on their own. This helps us move through them and get to the other side.
  3. Find the lessons. Can you find gratitude in your challenge? What are you learning about yourself, others, life? Take some time to write down the lessons you are learning and the value of the lessons. It might be painful or uncomfortable now, but the more

And as I always say, be gentle with yourself as you go through these tips. You don’t need to add the challenge of being hard on yourself on top of everything else.

I’d love to hear about how you are moving through a challenge in  your life. Please leave a comment below.

Photo: Onion Macro © by Dottie Mae

The Most Relaxing Song Ever?

I’m always on the lookout for music that heals. Here’s a video of a song professed to be “the most relaxing song ever.” Take a listen and see what you think. You can read more about the song and what researchers found here –>


Calm Vs. Chaos: Which Will YOU Choose?

Less stress in life is a goal for many and the new Stress is A Choice movie offers concrete tools on how to simplify life and relieve stress. Check it out…

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