Category Archives for SelfCare

Q&A: How Do I Get Rid of Fear?

Welcome to the first episode of my new Q&A video blog series. Today I answer a question I get asked ALL THE TIME:

How do I get rid of fear?

Hmmm…that’s an interesting one. Watch as I give the low-down on what fear is and how to use it to your advantage.

Want to know more about how you can bust through fear, break through the barriers keeping you stuck, get more creative, and GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY?

Ask your question and you just might see it in an upcoming video blog. Simply send your question to

Ready to Get Past Those Fears?

ftf banner ad for websiteLet me ask you a question: What would your life be like if fear didn’t get in the way? I know. It’s hard to imagine. But take a moment to think about what it would be like if you could:

  • Overcome the fears and self doubt that hold you back in your everyday life
  • Increase your self-esteem and let go of negative programming and limiting beliefs
  • Create more love, trust and satisfaction in your life
  • Eliminate negativity and create positivity around you

I’m excited to share with you some tried and tested techniques for overcoming fear in my upcoming workshop “Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway”®. Come spend a day investing in YOU, your future, and your dreams. Learn and practice techniques that have helped more than 12 million people worldwide overcome their fear.

Watch and listen to what previous workshop attendees had to say about this workshop:

Spots are limited, so be sure to grab yours before it’s too late.

Isn’t it time to face your fears and live the life of your dreams? You are so worth it!

The ONE THING You MUST Focus On to Accomplish Any Goal

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” ― Benjamin Franklin

Happy Freakin’ New Year! Happy end of the last year. Happy looking forward to a fresh start and a clean slate.

Are you chomping at the bit to lose weight, get in shape, better your relationships, grow your business, try something new, or otherwise jump on the resolution bandwagon?

Or are you just plugging away, same old same old, trying hard not to plan or dream big cause you’ve tried before and it hasn’t worked?

Or are you somewhere in between?

This time of year brings out a lot of emotion and baggage. Fear, resistance, excitement, hesitation, frustration, anticipation…you name it.

But while so many people focus on WHAT they are wanting to have or create and HOW to do it, I think a lot are missing the boat on the real reason we have hopes, dreams, and goals.

It’s not really to accumulate stuff, or be a size or two smaller, or achieve something. Those are the tangible results, yes, and often very rewarding. But the REAL reason we do what we do is to feel a certain way.

We’ve lost sight of our WHY.

Regardless of WHAT your goal is or HOW you can go about achieving it, you simply must spend some time and energy focusing on the WHY.

Our WHY drives us and keeps us going when things get challenging. Because things WILL get challenging. It’s inevitable. Our WHY is the feeling behind what we’re creating. And if we’re not in touch with our why, it’s really easy to give up.

When faced with figuring out the WHY, most people start answering with the superficial answers of the immediate gain. But I invite you to dig deeper and explore how you would FEEL and what you have to gain in the long run. Below are examples.

WHY do you want to get in shape?

The Superficial Response

  • to lose weight
  • to get off medication
  • to look good naked

The real WHY behind it

  • to feel more energized, less fatigued, less blah
  • to be around for my children or grandchildren
  • to feel more confident, sexy, happy, and in control of your life

WHY do you want a better (or different) relationship?

The Superficial Response

  • to get away from a bad situation
  • to have someone who gets me
  • to not be lonely

The real WHY behind it

  • to feel more connection and love with my partner
  • to share my life with someone
  • to feel more

 WHY do you want a different job or to grow your business?

The Superficial Response

  • to make more money
  • to spend more time with my family
  • to get more clients or customers

The real WHY behind it

  • to provide a better life for myself and my family
  • to make a bigger impact on the world
  • to answer my calling and use my talents and skills

You’ll start to realize your WHY for most of your goals is very similar or will have common themes, such as:

  • Increased confidence, self esteem
  • Happiness
  • Service and/or connection to others
  • Fulfilling your life’s purpose

These are common things that drive us all as humans. And if we’re not focusing on these as the real reasons driving us, we can be easily tempted to give up when things get rough.

So as you set those resolutions, make sure you take some time to think about and declare your WHY. Even post it where you can see it and share it with your support system (aka cheerleaders).

Photo By: Randy Heinitz

Time for New Beginnings…

Happy (almost) New Year!!! Tomorrow represents a fresh start, a new beginning, a forgiveness of the past, and a looking forward (in anticipation and excitement) to the future.

Do you feel it?

Or are you lamenting, holding onto what coulda, woulda, shoulda been?

This can be a tough time of year if you have difficulty letting go. So I invite you to be kind and gentle with yourself as we enter 2015. Take stock in what was really GOOD about 2014. Celebrate what worked and allow what didn’t to provide a meaningful lesson to springboard you forward in this new year.

What lessons can you take with you WHILE you look forward in anticipation and excitement of what’s to come?

I’d love to hear what you plan to create for yourself in 2015. Feel free to leave a comment below.

Photo by: Next TwentyEight

Happy Holidays 2014!

Here’s wishing you and yours the very best this holiday season, no matter what you celebrate or believe. This is a universal season of giving, sharing, and spending time with loved ones – which includes yourself!

Photo by: Kevin Dooley

14 Quotes for Surviving the Holidays

Ready for the holidays? Even though the season is already upon us, there are still ways to make this time of year even more special. Enjoy some of my favorite quotes to help ease some of the tension of the season.


  1. “Holidays are about experiences and people, and tuning into what you feel like doing at that moment. Enjoy not having to look at a watch.”  – Evelyn Glennie
  2. “Nothing says holidays, like a cheese log.”  – Ellen DeGeneres
  3. “Love the giver more than the gift.” – Brigham Young
  4. “This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!”  – D.M. Dellinger“
  5. “Our many different cultures notwithstanding, there’s something about the holidays that makes the planet communal. Even nations that do not celebrate Christmas can’t help but be caught up in the collective spirit of their neighbors, as twinkling lights dot the landscape and carols fill the air. It’s an inspiring time of the year.”  – Marlo Thomas
  6.  “The holidays stress people out so much. I suggest you keep it simple and try to have as much fun as you can.”  – Giada De Laurentiis
  7. “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”  – Hamilton Wright Mabie
  8. “May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, and every window open to great possibility.”  – Mary Anne Radmacher
  9. “New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.”  – Charles Lamb
  10. “Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.” – Janice Maeditere
  11. “This is the message of Christmas:  We are never alone.” – Taylor Caldwell
  12. “Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind.” – Mary Ellen Chase
  13. “For Christmas this year, try giving less. Start with less attitude. There’s more than enough of that in the world as it is – and people will usually just give it back anyway!” – Anne Bristow
  14. “Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.” 
– Oren Arnold

Photo by: Sam Howzit

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