Lisa Wechtenhiser – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Listen in as Lisa Wechtenhiser shares her Get Out of Your Own Damn Way story.

10269381_10152411700109780_2759159943897812751_nABOUT THIS GUEST: Lisa Wechtenhiser of works with intuitives, soul-preneurs and healers helping them expand their gifts and build a solid business so they stop giving their gifts away for free and make a real impact in the world. Lisa’s expertise comes from over 30 years helping financial advisors build their business while she built Practically Intuitive. Known for her warmth, just the right amount of tough love and her ability to get you out of overwhelm and into action fast, Lisa gets the world of Woo and the world of business and helps you manage them too so you create a business that supports you while you support others!


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