GOYW Podcast graphic 1 year anniversary

Step 3 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already

On June 4, 2015, the first weekly episode of the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast aired with me sharing a bit of my story and how I got in AND out of my own damn way. Since then, I’ve interviewed guests from 8 countries across 4 continents around the world to find out how they have learned to get out of their own damn way too.

For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name is Krylyn Peters. I’m known as “The Fear Whisperer,” and my mission is to help female entrepreneurs and want-repreneurs tame their fear, embrace their greatness, and get out of their own damn way so they can create their mission-filled, heart-centered, soul-inspired business.

This is the third episode of my one-year anniversary series, where I’m sharing what I’ve learned from my podcast guests this first year.

Today I’m going to share Step 3 of 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already.

If you missed me sharing about Step 1, head on over to krylyn.com/krylyn-com50 or step 2, head on over to krylyn.com/krylyn-com51.

You might want to download the special worksheet I created to go along with this episode, “Accept Yourself to Greatness.” You can use it to dive in a little deeper into step 3.

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Step 3: Be Yourself

You’d think that knowing yourself and accepting yourself would be enough to fully embrace your greatness and get out of your own damn way. But you’d be wrong. A HUGE theme that came up as I interviewed my podcast guests was that of following the path we’re meant to take. We sometimes stay in a box without even realizing it – the box of the “good employee,” or the “good partner,” or the “good mother.” In other words, we’re playing that damn GOOD GIRL role we were cast in long ago, and letting it play out in every area of our lives.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a good or great job, relationship, or family. But what I hear a lot is that while it may be a fantastic situation on paper, it just isn’t matching our vision for our lives. We long for more. Something’s missing. We’re being called to a higher purpose. And for many of us, that calling doesn’t go away simply because we’re enjoying our lives. What happens is that if we ignore the call, our lives begin to fall apart, making it less a choice we’ve made than an answer to a call we ignored for far too long.

Not being yourself can look like:

  • Having a really good life or job but not really being happy or satisfied
  • Trying to fit in a box of what is expected rather than what we truly want
  • Lusting after other people’s lives
  • Talking ourselves out of “going for it” because of what others might think

The path to true greatness involves being who you are. That means giving up the good-girl, people-pleasing nonsense that was ingrained in so many of us.

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Here’s one way to shed that role:

  1. Let your light shine.

I’ve been categorizing different profiles of my clients and students for a while now, and I have to say the one where we hide in the shadows and don’t own our value is one of the biggest ones I’m seeing these days. I call it Wallflower Syndrome. Remember at the junior high dance those girls standing against the wall waiting to be asked to dance? Key word waiting.

How many of us are waiting for the time to be right, enough money to be in the bank, circumstances to be perfect, and the universe to line things up just so in order to START. It doesn’t even matter what you’re waiting to start. The point is…PERFECTIONSIM is keeping you from shining.

So what if things aren’t perfect? So what if you’re working full-time? So what if you weigh more than you want? So what if you’re juggling a million balls right now?

You are NOT your bank balance, your weight, your excuses.

You are destined for greatness and need to embrace that reality so you can stop feeling so miserable, dissatisfied, and unfilled, AND so that you can help others heal in only the way you can.

Be bold. Be brave. Be Yourself.

Take it from several of my guests who threw caution to the wind, made some bold choices, and just went for it…like Dr. Gregory Canillas, Kate Wan, Maria Allyn, Liz Dederer, Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson, Puja Madan, and Nicole Lewis-Keeber.

Once we let our light shine, we can play a little…in the world of possibilities.

  1. Live in the possibilities.

As I was going through all my guest notes, I came across this theme of living in the possibilities and wasn’t quite sure where it fit in. It encompasses all four steps and is really more of an underlying theme or even way of being. So I thought it would fit in here nicely in the BE YOURSELF section.

What do I mean by possibilities? All those yummy, awesome-sauce, fudge-covered DREAMS and GOALS you have. It’s the place you probably lived in during at least part of your childhood – the part that got squashed as you got older and the “shoulds” took over.

The land of possibilities is also where our greatness lies. It involves creativity, fun, play, and all the child-like things we sometimes do silently in our minds when others are acting a hot mess.

It’s the dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening place. Full of YES and wonder and “what if,” rather than NO and “if only” and “yeah, but.”

Got it?

Now go there…what do you SEE, FEEL, and HEAR? WHO do you see? WHERE are you? WHAT are you doing? HOW are you helping those you are here to serve?

Take it from:

Derrick Kwa who asked himself “what’s the worst that could happen” before reaching out to some big name people in his industry who ended up helping him.

Stephanie Ghoston who said “I can do anything.”

Philip Dhingra who talked about the joy of missing out – JOMO.

In the last installment in this special one-year anniversary series, I’ll be sharing Step 4 to Get Out of Your Own Damn Way and Embrace Your Friggin’ Greatness Already.


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