Dr. Gregory Canillas – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

GJCBeach5Listen in as Gregory shares her Get Out of Your Own Damn Way story.

ABOUT THIS GUEST:  Psychologist and professor Dr. Gregory Canillas, known to friends and colleagues as “Doc”, takes a “keep it real” approach to his work both with clients and in training the next generation of therapists. His easy going attitude, coupled with a sharp insight that misses nothing, has made him popular with students and clients alike. His clinical work, research and teaching have focused on the entire range of relationship issues from trauma, abuse and infidelity to conflict resolution, spirituality and self esteem. He has worked with children, adolescents, adults, students, foster parents and anyone who needed help to better understand themselves, their relationships and their place in the world. Doc’s goal is to use his considerable education and experience to help people to live their best lives. www.thechicagoschool.edu/dir?userid=gcanillas


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