Managing Your Stress During the Holidays and Beyond: Tip #15 – Declare a Worry-Free Holiday

Okay, this one might be easier said than done. But think about how much worrying about the holidays affects you. From your attitude, to your health and well-being. We tend to worry about things that haven’t happened yet (and likely won’t ever happen) and about things out of our control (like what others are going to do, say, or think).

But all that worrying takes a toll, not on WHAT or WHO you’re worrying about…but YOU. Worrying excessively can lead to missing out on what’s going on right now because you’re so focused on the future. It can also lead to sore muscles, headaches, and a slew of other physical issues.

So this season, commit yourself to worrying less and enjoying more.

Photo: Denise Over The Holidays – 2005 © by Rob Boudon

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