Managing Your Stress During the Holidays and Beyond: Tip #7 – Uphold (or Create) a Tradition

Holiday traditions can be passed down from generation to generation, from cookie recipes, to decorations, to how you give and receive gifts. But not all traditions are ones we want to keep alive or pass down to our children. Take a look at the traditions passed down in your family and keep the ones that fit with who you are today – ones that light you up and promote the spirit of the season. Then, if you like, you can add your own traditions to the mix. Traditions can include:

  • activities that you do each year, such as caroling or attending a theatrical performance
  • foods, from how you prepare them to how you serve them
  • the decorations you use
  • volunteer work

What tradition will you uphold (or create) this year?

Photo: IMG_3145 © by scanlime

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