In her best-selling book Feel the Fear . . . and Do It Anyway
, Susan Jeffers talks about the dirty truths about fear and gives practical tips on how to move through fear to get to the other side. She also shares candid moments of her own life and how she has struggled and overcome.
One point that really sticks with me from her work is her honesty about fear. Fear isn’t going to go away. For us to accomplish what we want, get to feeling how we want, and have the life we want (and deserve) we MUST learn to deal with our fear. A big misconception is that people who accomplish great things aren’t afraid. They certainly are. They just “do it anyway,” take action and move forward despite the fear.
Some of us learn from an early age that fear is “bad” and when we feel it we become stuck or paralyzed. But it is possible to feel the fear and choose to NOT let it paralyze us. Jeffers really hits the mark on the importance of taking action and using proven tools and techniques, like surrounding ourselves with things, messages, and people who will support us in moving through the fear.
The title of this book alone draws people in, and is a very concise message that underscores Jeffers’ work and life philosophy. I highly recommend this book if you are challenged with stuckness and letting fear run your life in any area.
UPDATE: I love this book so much I became a licensed trainer to teach its methods. Join me for a full-day workshop on how to overcome your fear and live the life of your dreams.