Category Archives for Work Life Balance Tips

5 Things You Must Do to Re-Brand Your Heart-Centered Business (And Your Life) Without Losing Your Friggin’ Mind

Woman stressed is going crazy pulling her hair in frustration.In my recent article, It’s a Re-Brand: How My Business Baby Done Got Borned, I spilled the beans on the birthing process for my new business brand, Get Out of Your Own Damn Way. The journey has been filled with ups and downs, breakdowns and breakthroughs, pain, joy, and FEAR.

In other words, it’s been just like life.

Yeah, there’s no escaping the fact that my business is an extension of who I am. That’s what heart-centered business owners are like. We live and breathe our business, because our business reflects who we are and what we stand for. We have HUGE, ginormous visions and missions to fill. That means my tribe gets to be on my journey with me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way (as scary as it is to be open and exposed in some of my most vulnerable moments).

Of course, there are lessons along the way. Detours. Wrong turns. Missed exits. Unexpected gems. And plenty of opportunities to walk my talk. I love the idea of helping others along their journey, even if I’m only a couple steps ahead at times. I believe we all have something to learn from each other.

So what have I learned along my re-brand journey? Honey, there ain’t enough space here for it all. But there’s some pretty major lessons that have popped out that I want to share…because they are truly LIFE lessons.

  1. Get crystal clear on who you are and what you stand for. Any marketing expert will tell you that you need to be clear before you embark on branding. It’s basic stuff. But reading it or being told it is completely COMPLETELY different than living it. I thought I was clear before…twice. But when I’m being really honest, I wasn’t. I was dabbling in some different markets trying to fit them together like puzzle pieces from different puzzles. That came across in everything – my writing, my marketing, and my offers. And it certainly affected my bottom line. One of the best things I did for my business is DO THE WORK of getting clear about who I am and what I stand for.
  1. Ask for help. Simply stated, but for the workaholic super woman who is used to doing everything on her own, not so simply done. Just because I CAN do most everything in my business doesn’t mean I should. There’s a certain finesse to learning to delegate. It requires letting go and trusting. Then course correcting as needed.
  1. Let things percolate…but not forever. One of the wonderful things about being a creative entrepreneur is that I never have a lack of ideas. I’ve got ideas for books, programs, workshops, products, services, music, marketing, podcasts, etc. But I also suffer from what many business owners do, and that’s perfectionism. I hate putting my work out into the world without it being beautiful. The downfall is I’ve kept a lot of my ideas under wraps for years. NO MORE. I’ve finished more unfinished projects in the last several months than ever before. My mantra is “done is better than perfect.”
  1. Act before you think yourself out of it. Entrepreneurs are natural risk-takers. However, we too (just like everyone else) can fall into the “analysis-paralysis” trap of over-thinking and under-acting. It’s easy to come up with reasons why something won’t work because of X, Y, and Z. But here’s a little secret – NOTHING ever turns out exactly the way we expect. So why not just get started, now, right where you’re at. There’s always room for reflection and changing course. What there’s NOT room for (if you want to fulfill your big n’ delicious dreams) is procrastination. Just get out there and DO SOMETHING.
  1. Tantrums are expected, normal, and productive (if done right). It’s okay to be disappointed, frustrated, and downright ANGRY when things happen that are beyond your control. Curveballs are everywhere. But they’re not a sign to give up, they’re a sign to modify. Not one thing I planned for happened the way I anticipated during my re-brand. Technical issues, miscommunication with team members, unexpected expenses, you name it. I had moments, hours, and sometimes days when I was IN IT, grumpy, and OVER IT. But I allowed myself to yell, cry, vent, and walk away when needed to maintain my sanity. And then I got back to work having cleared my inner child’s need to throw a tantrum.

Because I’m not able to completely separate my business from my life, these are lessons that spill over into other areas as well – relationships, dating, parenting, etc. You can be sure that my life didn’t stop during my re-brand process (and actually blew up a little in some areas) and I had plenty of opportunities to put my ninja healing skills to the test in my personal life as well.

What are YOU doing to keep from losing your mind in the midst of personal and professional change? Leave a comment below.

What it Looks Like to Be Free

women with open arms - freedomHere in the USA we just finished celebrating Independence Day. Each year, it’s a reminder of what it means to be free and what sacrifices were made for our freedom.

Each year, I’m also reminded of what freedom means to me and how it looks on a more personal and individual basis.

To me, freedom is about living well and being my best self. It’s about creating (and maintaining) the type of lifestyle I want, which includes everything from relationships, to finances, to health, to play.

What does it really look like to be free? Here are some thoughts:

  • Know what you want. If you don’t have a clear picture of what you want, how do you know when you have it…or worse, when you don’t? Freedom isn’t just about some vague notion of being able to have, be, or do anything you want. True freedom comes when your definition of being free is realized. For some people, freedom is about not working, but for others it’s about doing work they are passionate about.
  • Entitlement has no place here. Some people confuse freedom with entitlement, or getting stuff you don’t work for. But freedom is about taking a stand for what you believe in and sometimes fighting the good fight to get it. Think about it, when you get handed something you haven’t worked for, does it really hold as much satisfaction as something you busted your ass for?
  • Consistency is key. It’s near impossible to maintain anything, whether it’s sanity, weight, routines, relationships, etc. if we don’t keep doing things that work. Sure, we may know what DOESN’T work, but unless we make consistent effort to take the steps (large and small) that contribute to continued success, we’re sure to lose some sense of freedom.
  • Sacrifices and compromises are part of the deal. Freedom isn’t something to be taken lightly. It sometimes requires us to make some tough decisions for the greater good. We sometimes must make sacrifices or compromises right now in order to have the future we long for.

Remember, freedom is something we are all striving for in one way or another.

What are your thoughts on what freedom looks like? Share a comment below.

Is Fear a Choice?

FEARWhat are you afraid of? Most people are afraid of some similar things, such as:

  • The unknown
  • Change
  • Rejection
  • Abandonment
  • Death
  • Loss
  • Success
  • Failure

Others have more specific fears, such as:

  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Needles
  • Flying
  • Water

Regardless of what fears you have, know this…

Fear is a base emotion that ALL humans have.

Fear is genetically hard-wired in us as a way to protect us from harm and keep us alive. It is an early warning system.

Over time and evolution, we are still hard-wired to feel fear of anything that threatens our safety. However, we no longer have the same threats to our physical safety on a regular basis (i.e. being eaten by predators). We do, however, still perceive threats…to our EMOTIONAL safety. But our bodies cannot tell the difference between a physical threat and an emotional threat. Our bodies react to protect us against any threat.

We fear being judged, criticized, rejected, abandoned, ostracized, labeled, etc. If someone looks at us a certain way, we might FEEL a certain way, which may be a threat to us feeling safe, loved, cared for, and ok. If we FEEL threatened, our THOUGHTS kick in to let us know we’re not safe, we must leave or attack or otherwise protect ourselves. Then we behave accordingly. It’s a complex system where our emotions, thoughts, and actions are all inter-connected.

It’s not a matter of getting RID of fear, it’s a matter of processing it and reacting to it differently. When someone says they want to get rid of fear, all I hear is another ploy to deny our emotions. Folks, we are all experts (in one way or another) in denying our emotions. We’ve learned to cover them up, sweep them under the rug, avoid them, medicate them, distract ourselves from them. There are industries built on how NOT to deal with emotions. The ABSOLUTE LAST THING WE NEED is another person or industry telling us to NOT FEEL WHAT WE FEEL.

What we need is help figuring out how to change our relationship with our emotions. They are NOT good or bad. They are just there to give us information. Fear is there to protect us. It serves a purpose.

So when I hear people talking about getting rid of fear or that fear is a choice, I cringe, take a deep breath, and seek to educate.

As “The Fear Whisperer,” my expertise is helping people change their relationship with fear. Fear has a lot to teach us if we will only listen. It can be a catalyst or a crutch.

So is fear a choice? NO. But how you THINK about it and how you REACT to it are.

Are you interested in changing your relationship with fear? I invite you to join me for the 30 Day Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Challenge. You’ll get 30 days of kick-butt support toward taming your fear. Seats are limited. Grabs your today at

Photo by: Kevin B 3

How Creativity Saved My Life

krylyn at pianoAs a songwriter, I can tell you firsthand about my experience with being creative. When I was growing up, I used creativity as both an escape and a way to express the hidden, scary feelings and thoughts I had. You see, I was raised by parents who abused alcohol to manage their undiagnosed mental illness.

Talk about an unpredictable household!

I never knew what mood my mother would be in, who would be home and when, if it would be a loud day or a silent day. I was often left to fend for myself, expected to feed myself and get myself to and from school on my own by the age of 8.

There were times I woke in the night to screaming, slamming doors, and the sound of my mother hitting my older sister. Other times I woke in the night to find no one home. I was often scared, lonely, and confused.

Songwriting was my escape, my refuge. I often call it my “drug of choice,” as it was my positive addiction growing up and a way for me to channel my angst. I not only got to get away from the chaos of my family, but also got to tap into thoughts and feelings I wasn’t able to articulate without the use of music

As I got older, I started to really appreciate the process of creativity. Sure the outcome of having a finished song was very nice, but the process was more healing for me in many ways.  It allowed me to express myself, be in the moment, take risks, be okay with mistakes, accept myself, discover myself, and just be. There weren’t many other ways or places I could just be myself like that. So I came to cherish my time in creative pursuits and would come away with a renewed sense of energy, passion, and self. It was like coming home. Maybe you can relate to this.

Professionally, I was drawn to the helping professions. I got my bachelor of arts in psychology and my master’s in counseling. I became a licensed psychotherapist and certified life coach and have worked for over 13 years helping people to deal with the effects of trauma, neglect, and abuse, learn to manage depression and anxiety symptoms, practice more effective communication and coping skills, and learn creative ways to deal with fear, burnout, and stress.

I get to use creativity all the time in my work from both a process (helping people shift their perspective, expand their thinking, embrace their feelings) and outcome (sing, write a song, accomplish a goal) perspective. I watch my clients practice their new skills to improve their relationships, reduce conflict, ask for what they want, get rid of nightmares, eliminate panic attacks, increase their confidence and sense of worth, bust through their fear, and live happier, more balanced lives.

Have you ever had that a-ha moment when things just click and make sense? An idea pops into your head that helps you look at a situation in a new light, giving you the answer or solution you’ve been looking for? THAT is the process and power of creativity.

After seeing not only how creativity helped me, but has helped so many others, I wanted to bring it to the world on a bigger scale. That’s why I created the…

Creativity and Wellness Summit

This is a powerful annual online conference designed to make you think outside the box and give you practical, fun, and easy-to-use tips to help you get unstuck from the muck that holds you back – personally and professionally.

I’ve gathered together some top experts who also know how powerful creativity can be to our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health.

You’ll hear their stories of how creativity has benefited them and the people they work with. And listen in as they share their best strategies for improving your life and business. We discuss their unique perspectives on creativity and get an inside view of the specific, tested techniques they use to help people create amazing, powerful, positive shifts in their lives. Best of all, you’ll receive usable, actionable information that you can apply to your life and business today.

This Summit is about breaking out of old patterns that don’t serve you…and having some fun along the way!  What I really love the amount of amazing, rich, content these experts give that you can use right now in your life and work. We all know how tremendously healing the power of creativity can be. This Summit is truly a labor of love and service – a gift from us to you.

If you’d like to get FREE access to experts with powerful and creative healing tools, you won’t want to miss this. Get more details and register at

One of the Top Ways to Get Unstuck

Do you feel overwhelmed, STUCK, burned out, caught up in F-E-A-R?

How many times do you hear people talking about being stuck? Stuck in:

  • Financial situations
  • Jobs
  • Relationships
  • Thoughts
  • Fear

Stuckness seems to be an epidemic.

Being stuck keeps us in the same place. Keeps us from moving to the next level. From living the life of our dreams. No matter how much we may say we want it to change, we get comfortable with the discomfort of our lives.

Not only do our circumstances seem grim when we’re stuck, but it also takes a huge toll on our emotional and physical health. Our bodies may feel tired, run down, tense, and achy, while our emotions may run from fear, to irritability, to worry. And this might lead to destructive behaviors, like over-eating or over-working, and negative thoughts like “I don’t deserve to be happy.”

And you know what? It really sucks! AND…we’ve ALL been there!

The thing is we think that being stuck is the problem. It’s not. Getting unstuck is where the problem lies.

There is a way OUT of stuckness and INTO the peace of mind, joy, and happiness you’ve been longing for.

Imagine your life and being able to:

  • Dissolve the stuckness that has a hold on you
  • Break through barriers and unlock the door to possibilities and prosperity
  • Move from negative patterns to positive ones that will propel you forward
  • Find solutions to everyday problems easily and effortlessly

So what’s the key to getting unstuck? Simply…it’s looking at things in a different way. And the absolute best way to do that is through the use of creativity.

Now I know what you may be thinking…”I’m not a creative person.”

But let me challenge that for a minute. Creativity is nothing more than being able to make something that is new and useful. I like to think of creativity as a way to solve everyday problems. And we all do that, don’t we?

I think what trips most people up is the idea that creativity is only about artistry. Writers, musicians, painters, poets, dancers…are all creative. Their creativity is seen in the outcome – the novel, the song, the painting, the poem, the dance. But creativity is also about the process – being in the moment with inspiration and allowing whatever comes to happen.  And this is why I can confidently say that you are a creative person even if you have never believed that.  Let me show you what I mean.

See if any of these seem familiar:

  • On your way to work you see a detour sign that prevents you from taking your usual route to the office
  • Your child comes home and says they have a project due tomorrow that they haven’t even started yet
  • A bill comes in the mail that needs to be paid a week before your next paycheck is deposited
  • A marketing idea you poured lots of time, energy, and money into in your business doesn’t yield the results you expected

If you’ve experienced any of these situations (or others that involve being faced with the unexpected), you’ve had plenty of opportunity to be creative. We all have experienced the process of being creative, which involves identifying a need (or a problem) and fulfilling that need (or solving the problem).

So how are you creative in solving everyday problems?

If you’re looking for creative tips for getting unstuck, I invite you to join me as I interview experts who share their most powerful and creative healing tools in the Creativity and Wellness Summit. Get more details and register at

Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Never Follow Your Dreams

What did you dream of when you were a child? I dreamt of being an astronaut, a veterinarian, and a superstar. Then I got some life experience under my belt and realized floating in space might make me nauseous, I’m squeamish about the insides of all living creatures, and the lack of privacy involved with being the next Madonna was a bit much for this introvert to handle (although that dream still lingers a little).

As I got older, my dreams changed based on what I was good at and what I felt really called to do. In my early 20’s, I remember chatting with a girlfriend and told her I wanted to combine all my passions into my work. At that time, my passions were helping people, graphic design, and songwriting. Guess what? Those are still my passions today and I’ve combined all of them into my business.

The road hasn’t always been easy though. Along my travels I’ve met a lot of people who get in their own way. I recognize them because I see myself in them. I’ve been there. And I’ve also been here, on the other side, continuously creating a life and business that I love. Do I still get in my own way…um, hells yeah! But I’ve learned to recognize it faster and get the heck outta there.

So what is YOUR dream? And why would you NOT want to pursue it? Here are some possible reasons:

 1. Getting what you want is scary.

Ever heard the saying “be careful what you wish for?” Sure people love to talk about all the wonderful things that happened once they reached a goal or dream. But they rarely mention all the crap that accompanies it. When going after something you want, fear is inevitable. It’s one of those dirty little secrets we don’t like to talk about. But we must. Because it’s true. We all experience it. And when you come face to face with your fear, it’s good to know that it’s normal.

 2. There’s effort involved.

If going after what we want were easy, we’d all be doing it, right? The universe will test your resolve. And typically, the dreams we are called to do…the ones deep in our hearts and souls…are not on the easy path. They require hard work and dedication. So if you’re not ready to roll your sleeves up and get your hands dirty, best stay right where you are and keep dreamin’.

 3. It takes time.

There’s a lovely phrase I must remind myself: “it takes 10 years to become an overnight success.” Our society has conditioned us (or tried to anyway) for instant gratification. If we can’t get it now, we don’t want it. But there’s something to be said for the satisfaction of waiting. The anticipation. The knowing you earned it. We appreciate things we have to work for and that aren’t instantly handed to us. Plus, we may think we’re ready for the big dream RIGHT NOW, but we might not be. Everything comes when the timing is right. Patience, my lil’ dreamer…patience.

 4. Your success may ruffle other people’s feathers.

We are often so consumed with our own fear about changing that we forget our changes can have a ripple effect in people around us. If you go after your dreams, it can be a painful reminder to those around you that they haven’t lived out theirs. And that pain can turn against you, literally, in the form of jealously, sabotage, or just plain hatin’. We intuitively know this because we’ve seen evidence of it at one time or another. And if your fear of rocking someone else’s boat is bigger than your fear of staying where you are, guess what?

 5. You might outshine someone you really respect and admire.

Everyone’s got a dream. But not everyone gets to live theirs out. Some people sacrifice so that others can live their dreams. And some of those people may be people you really care about, like your parents. Parents are hard-wired to want better for their children than they had. But some parents have difficulty hiding all their regrets as you rise up. It may be difficult to accept that someone else gave up their dreams so you could live yours, but remember we all have choices. By living your dreams, you just may inspire someone else to live theirs.

 6. It’s lonely at the top.

As you move toward what you really want, you’ll find less and less people on that path. You may at some point look around to find yourself spending less and less time with people you were very close to. But guess what? Keep looking, cause you’ll also find people, like you, who are taking the road less traveled. These are your kindred spirits…the ones who understand what it takes to live out their dreams. You may not have as many close connections but the ones you do have will be with people who get it.

 7. You might be happy.

This one may sound a little strange, but hear me out. If 99 things go right in your day, and only 1 thing goes wrong, which one will you focus on? That ONE thing, right? We are so used to focusing on the negative of how we feel and what’s going on, that feelings of true happiness can be uncomfortable. We seem to be more comfortable with criticism and negativity. What’s wrong with THAT picture?

8. Life will be boring.

This is a paradoxical notion…that once you reach your dream you’ll not have anything else to do in your life and life will be boring. Hmmm…let’s examine that one. When have you ever taken steps to reach a goal and had things NOT change up along the way? While you live out your dreams, you better believe that you will change and grow during that process, and that means your dreams will change and grow too. You might have different ideas of how to fulfill your dreams or new dreams might pop up along the way. Life isn’t boring when you are doing what you love.

If you’re still struggling with the idea of following your dreams, I invite you to listen in on the Get Our of Your Own Damn Way Interview series where I highlight people who have been there, done that, gotten out of their own damn way, and boldly embraced their dream and greatness. It might just give you the inspiration you need to go for it. Join us at

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