Lunar Business Success by Monique Alamedine

Guest Post by Monique Alamedine

Do you know what the #1 productivity tool is, that’s FREE and staring you in the face right now?

Believe me when I tell you the moon is an untapped resource which so many Entrepreneurs are missing out on.  It’s predictable AND consistent – two important things you need as a solid base for your business.

Tired of constantly pushing to ‘make shit happen’, I was getting a sense that there was a better way of doing things. Nature was calling me back into it’s loving arms, and I was struggling to find a way to maintain my edge, while still being in flow.

I started feeling a pull to connect more with the moon, which was quite frankly the most amazing discovery.

Re-connecting felt like the most natural transition.

Glorious. Divine. Real – yet – Tangible. Solid.

Now you may think with all this moon talk that I’m a softly spoken hippy – think again.

Whilst I love the divine feminine energy, I’m far from being softly spoken and living in flowing dresses. It’s taken me years to realize that femininity comes in different packages and aligning with the moon has allowed the perfect blend of masculine and feminine energy to come together beautifully.


Tapping Into This Ancient Wisdom Ensures You Maintain Your Business Groove.

The two more commonly known phases are new and full moon.

New moon is perfect for setting your intentions for the month, as well as starting new projects.

Full Moon is the time to release what’s no longer serving you, and reap what you’ve sown.

The first half is about the doing i.e. Putting yourself out there, marketing, hustling, with the second half allowing time for reflection.

There are 8 phases of the moon cycle, with each representing a different focus & action :

  1. New Moon
  2. Waxing Crescent
  3. First Quarter
  4. Waxing Gibbous
  5. Full Moon
  6. Disseminating
  7. Third Quarter
  8. Balsamic

It takes the moon 29.5 days to orbit the Earth, hence why it’s an awesome goal-setting process with little check points on the way to hit your yearly goals.

I was drawn into La Luna’s magic through intuition, and if you’re feeling the same pull then start by going outside every night and moon-bathing.

Notice what phase she’s going through, and journal your thoughts and feelings.

The next new moon is on the 9th March (Southern Hemisphere) and it’s a super moon. This is when it’s at the closest point to earth during a new or full moon. She’s going to look bigger and brighter to us at this point so soak up the magic in all her glory.

Be sure to take the time to write your intentions down somewhere you can refer back to.

It’s a Pisces New moon which is the perfect time to re-connect spirit and business.

Think about how you can shift the energy in your business?

It’s time to put yourself out there, and accept that you may never fit in anywhere and that’s not a negative thing.

I created Zen Hustler because I just couldn’t find a place I belonged. I’m a multi-passionate, ambivert, spiritual, woo-woo badass, with the spirit of a hustler and the heart of a fairy. Pretty confusing huh.

If you can’t find what you want – create it.

Use the energy of this moon to re-configure all the parts of yourself scattered around, by accepting, loving and integrating the essence of YOU.

ABOUT THIS GUEST: Monique a Zen Hustle Mentor + Intuitive Biz Coach to ballsy soul-fuelled + heart-driven entrepreneurial women, who want to build a biz that ignites passion to entice profit. She helps blend hustle + flow using a mix of Ancient Wisdom, strategy & badassery. When she’s not writing or coaching, you’ll most likely find her drinking herbal tea through a Glass Straw, trying to hula hoop & dreaming of ways to inject more sparkle & love as she hustles about her

Listen to Monique’s Get Out of Your Own Damn Way podcast interview HERE.





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