Rock 2017 with Your Own Customized Theme

#82: Rock 2017 with Your Own Customized Theme

Rock 2017 with Your Own Customized Theme

Ready to Rock 2017 with your own customized theme?

Weddings have them. So do T.V. shows, sporting events, books, even political campaigns. In fact, a good theme can be the difference between overwhelming failure and spectacular success.

Why? Because themes are all about lazar sharp focus and clarity. They provide aspiration, motivation, and the drive to get things done, realizing even the loftiest of goals. Themes appeal not only to your sense of purpose, they actually stimulate your emotions and desires. In fact, the better the theme, the wider the reach. Good themes not only achieve their visions, they actually attract the enthusiastic support and buy-in of others.

So why don’t you have a theme? If they work so well for parties and Olympic Games, just imagine the turbo boost a great personal theme could give to your life, your career, your wildest dreams!

In this episode, I’ll tell you why you need a yearly theme and share with you both my 2017 theme and the thought process I used to create it. I’ll also give you 4 comprehensive steps to craft your very own. So listen now to rock your best 2017 with a customized theme!

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#81: The Down Side of Self Improvement

Podcast Episode Graphic 81 v5Ever wonder about the down side of self improvement?

Are you on the self-help bandwagon? Tis’ the season. Every New Year brings with it the hope and promise of a clean slate. Maybe you want a new bod, a new J-O-B, or a new slice of life. And these days you don’t have to look too far to get bombarded with products and services that lure you in with the promise all this…and MORE!

But what happens when these messages infiltrate your brain? Marketers are pulling at your heart strings and pushing all your buttons. And before you know it, you may find yourself believing that you’re not good enough, feeling that you’re flawed or even broken. Not only can this start a vicious cycle of low self worth and doubt, but it’s hard to see yourself for the beautiful person you are through a filter of criticism and endless scrutiny.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a total self-help junkie. I LOVE the path of healing and enlightenment. But what I don’t like are those deeper messages we sometimes glean.

So here’s my New Year’s message for you: I happen to think that you are perfect just the way you are – even if you want to improve yourself. In fact you are amazing because you want to do so!

In this episode, I share my thoughts and strategy on what you can do to defeat those unfair and untrue messages that are flying at you at warp speed at this time of year. I’ll even give you 3 tips on how you can ensure you are approaching your self-improvement journey from a place of power. So take back the reigns of your own journey. Own it. And make the decision to work on you not because you need to, but because you want and deserve to!

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Natalie Forest

Natalie Forest – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Natalie ForestListen in as Dr. Natalie Forest dives into faith, trust, fear, and the patterns that keep us stuck.

“Listening to ourselves does take a little bit of extra attention.”  – Dr. Natalie Forest

ABOUT THIS GUEST:  Dr. Natalie Forest, CEO, International Executive Consultant, Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, & Mentor. Natalie, America’s Leading Expert in Personal Performance, is Founder of Success Revolutions and Revolutionize Your Potential, a series of educational trainings for individuals and corporations across the globe. Natalie engages leaders, corporate teams, and entrepreneurs to identify consistencies for their success. Her engaging methods and techniques increase productivity, teamwork, retention, resulting in higher profitability, authentic fulfillment, and less stress. Natalie is a sought after speaker and has participated in numerous conferences, events, TV and radio shows across the nation. As a host, she has been in the top 3 for VoiceAmerica. Natalie’s keynotes, “Collaborative Individualism” and “The Hidden Power of Patterns”, have facilitated numerous breakthroughs for all that were fortunate to work with her, leading them to a life of abundance, clarity, and directed purpose. Natalie’s passion for positive progress in the world is self-evident in her leading role as Executive Director for The Women Of Global Change, a premier humanitarian organization working on positive change across the globe for years. She also has accepted the voluntary role of Vice President to the Local chapter of the Alliance of Women in Media, in Washington, DC (AWM-NCAC) in January 2016.




Embracing The Fear of Rejection And Doing It Anyway by Diana Elizabeth Jordan

Guest Post by Diana Elizabeth Jordan

Guest Post: Diana Elizabeth Jordan

Earlier this year I was cast as Ma Joad in the world premiere of Swarm Cell (which is inspired by the Grapes of Wrath). The show opened at the end of January and ran for five weeks at The Greenway Arts Theater in Los Angeles. Working on the play, written by Gabriel Rivas Gomez and directed by Robert Castro, was artistically fulfilling as was sharing the stage with the 8 powerful and beautiful actors (Maritxell Carrero, Raquel McPeek, Bianca Lemaire, Caro Zeller, Cheryl Ann Gottselig, Sheresade Poblet, Tania Camargo, and Mariana Montes).

It is always a goal of mine to be cast in roles where my disability cerebral palsy (which mildly effects my speech and gait) is incidental to the character or storyline and I have been grateful for the numerous opportunities that I’ve had including my portrayal of Ma Joad.

The role is also significant for me because of how it manifested. I read the breakdown for Ma Joad on Actors Access, (a casting website for actors) felt an immediate connection and submitted. I also took it one step further by researching the producer/casting director Jason Bruffy. I found his website where he shared his commitment to diversity casting. I sent Jason an e-mail, told him of my appreciation for his commitment to casting diversely, and requested an opportunity to be called in for an audition, sharing what I thought I could bring to the role. When I went to the audition, he acknowledged receiving it. The rest I am happy to say is history.

I view taking steps to write a  “request letter” (as I have nicknamed it) to a casting director, director or producer requesting for an opportunity to be called in for a role as an another form of an audition. It is one way I have learned to be more pro-active in my career and it is has lead to some very positive audition call-ins and castings.

Writing my request letters does not come without fears and doubt, I always have them but facing the fear and taking a deep breath and doing it anyway has always been my preferred choice.

There are many times when I don’t hear back and it is always disappointing but, I don’t view not getting a response to a “request letter” any differently from not booking an audition. Disappointments are just a part of both my life and artistic journeys.

It is never about if I don’t book a role or don’t hear a response. It is about when I do. That’s the joy for me. I send audition request letters without any guarantee of the outcome, just the confidence of feeling that I have something to offer and bring to the role. Once I hit send everything else is out of my hands and accepting the unknown is also part of my life and my artistic journeys.

The truth is, the only way to guarantee that something won’t work, is to never try. So I will continue to write “request letters” to casting directors, directors, and producers for roles when I feel that “connection“ as I did with Ma Joad, because I know if I face my fears, take a deep breath and do it anyway there is a definite guarantee the answer could be YES!!
ABOUT THIS GUEST:  Diana Elizabeth Jordan (SAG-AFTRA/AE) has literally been fighting adversity since the day she was born when her Drs’ had to work on her for 45 minutes before she started breathing on her own. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy (which mildly affects her speech and gait), Diana grew up determined not to let adversity stop her from pursuing her dreams. She is an award winning actor, storyteller-speaker, expressive arts facilitator, and creative entrepreneur. Diana also runs her Edu-Tainment production company The Rainbow Butterfly Café (creating “Artistic Treats” to nourish the mind, heart and soul).

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Diana Elizabeth Jordan

Listen to Diana’s Get Out of Your Own Damn Way podcast interview HERE.




GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Diana Elizabeth Jordan

Diana Elizabeth Jordan – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Diana Elizabeth JordanListen in as Diana Elizabeth Jordan chats about faith, determination, and risking disappointment to live your own path.

“You have to risk disappointment.”  – Diana Elizabeth Jordan

ABOUT THIS GUEST:  Diana Elizabeth Jordan is an award winning actor, storyteller-speaker, expressive arts facilitator and creative entrepreneur.  She celebrates diversity & disability inclusion, conquering adversity and fostering personal and professional growth through the power of the performing arts. Diagnosed with cerebral palsy (which mildly affects her speech and gait) around age two, Diana grew up determined to not let anything stop her from pursuing her dreams. She has been featured in film, television and theater and was the first actor with a disability to get a Masters of Fine Arts in Acting from California State University Long Beach. In 2014 she launched her Edu-Tainment production company, The Rainbow Butterfly Cafe (creating Artistic Treats to nourish, the mind, heart and soul).




Guest Post by Julie Salisbury

How to Find Your Purpose in Life by Writing a Book by Julie Salisbury

Guest Post by Julie Salisbury

Guest Post by Julie Salisbury

Finding my purpose would not have been possible without writing a book—without journals and letters that allowed me to retrace the steps, find the clues to purpose, and consciously figure out how I arrived where I am today. The understanding that we don’t figure out this thing called life until we make the decision to examine it does not start until you write. When you write, the clues appear before you as your life unfolds one page at a time. You start to understand what event led to the next event, how your feelings changed through these experiences, and how life became “more.”

Writing a book gave birth to a new me: one with more clarity and focus about what led me to the place I am at now, a conscious choice to follow my heart, trust my intuition, and live authentically. At the time, I had no idea that it was the book that had changed my life. Which came first to find purpose in my life—the subject of the book or the book itself?  It was the book that gave me my direction.

When you live a life on purpose, the whole world suddenly lights up because it’s not just about you anymore. Is that what opens up the world of love? You hear so much about “being of service,” but are we designed as humans to only function as part of the whole if we actually ARE part of the whole?

If I had found this purpose during my travels, would the colours have been brighter, the memories clearer, the feelings deeper, the experiences richer? Would I have remembered any of what happened during my travels without photos, journals, and letters? Why did I have such a weak vision of those experiences? Why does it feel I am reading about someone else when I read my journals? Did this really happen to me? Am I the only person to circumnavigate the world and not remember very much about it because I wasn’t actually “awake” the whole time?

Writing a book about your journey so far will bring you to life, wake you up, allow you to retrace your steps and the clues of your life, and open up your heart—if you are willing to be vulnerable.

My purpose is to help the world wake up by suggesting you revisit your life and follow the clues to find your purpose through writing your story. It will be a hard, vulnerable journey, but as you become the observer in your life, the clues will lead to your purpose. I often wonder how my own experiences of traveling around the world would have been different with my eyes wide open.

ABOUT THIS GUEST:  Julie Salisbury is the Founder of Influence Publishing and the author of Around the World in Seven Years: One Woman’s Life-Changing Journey.  Salisbury inspires women to share their life story.  She offers a four week webinar and live 3 day workshop to help you write and publish your book as well as a 1 day How to get a TED talk live workshop. Find more info at and listen to the free educational resources to help you get started. Email to claim your 30 min complimentary consultation by mentioning this article.
GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Julie Salisbury

Listen to Julie’s Get Out of Your Own Damn Way podcast interview HERE.




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