Do or Do Not, There is No Try

#112: Do or Do Not There is No Try

How many times a day do you catch yourself saying, “I’m trying!” Cmon, you can tell me; what happens on the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast stays on the Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast.  

Not ready to ‘fess up out loud? That’s okay. I actually have a much deeper and more critical series of questions to ask you: When you say, “I’m trying!” what do you really mean? Where is your mindset? What message are you sending to the world? And more importantly, what message are you reinforcing deep within your own psyche? What habits and patterns are you repeating? And how is this affecting your process of change?  

I’m sure you’ve figured out where I’m going with this. But in case you haven’t, let me ask you to do something else. Think of a time you were with a child – maybe your own, maybe someone else’s, maybe even YOU – and they were tasked with completing something ridiculously simple. Something virtually anyone could do. Probably something they’d already done, possibly even earlier that day. What did you know about this child in this scenario? And what did you say in response?

A wise, internationally famous, intergalactic puppet once said to a stubborn, young protégé of his, “Do or do not, there is no try.” And as we all know, he was spot on.

You’re about to learn that said character is also one of my most beloved mentors. I emphatically put forth that the entire universe created around his message is one that exists primarily to remind us all about exactly what I’ve been testifying about to you over the past couple of months: Change!  

This week – with some help from my little, wrinkled friend – I’ll tell you exactly how this iconic story franchise is designed to get you out of your own damn way and into shifting your energy from doubt to belief. And I’ll reveal the 3 enormous change-friendly messages that consistently run through the entire series.  

Still haven’t guessed who I’m talkin’ ’bout? Well head on over to my podcast now! 

Mentioned in this Episode 

#106: The Bearable Discomfort of Change 

#111: There’s No Excuse for You


#111: There’s No Excuse For You

I need to write the copy for my latest podcast. But I’m too busy! Plus it’s getting really late and I’m so tired. I have no one to help me. No one ever helps me. I gotta do everything myself. Do you realize how hard it is to come up with fresh, new ideas every week, write them down, proofread them, and edit them all by yourself? Then there’s the recording and the video and more editing. Not to mention all the computery stuff I got do. Man, if only I had the money I could just hire someone to do all of this for me. Whaaaaaaaaaaaa! 

Wow. Sorry about that. I don’t usually whine about this stuff so publicly. I’m a little embarrassed. You’d think as a professional life coach I’d be above making so many excuses, wouldn’t you? 


1. I’m not. No one is. And…

2. What a huge coincidence that this week’s podcast is entitled “There’s no excuse for you!” 

We’ve been exploring the ins and outs of change. And if you’ve been playing along, you’re probably well on your way to creating some amazing changes in your life. But sometimes even when you’ve committed fully to the process, you can hit some nasty roadblocks in the form of excuses. And if you’re not diligent, those excuses can become the undoing of all of your hard work. 

The key is to recognize the excuses for what they are, identify the underlying issues, and face them head on. 

This week I’ll tell you what the 4 main excuses are that you are likely using to sabotage your change. I’ll also reveal the shocking reason why you use them. I’ll get real and tell you 4 hard truths about why you’re using excuses. And finally, I’ll help you to determine the difference between excuses and reasons. Let’s face it, sometimes there are going to be legitimate reasons for you to table your changes for another day. 

Bottom line: Stop allowing excuses to make or break your changes. It’s time to do what YOU want to do! 

#110: Dear Dissatisfaction, I’m the Boss of You

Think back to a time when you really wanted something. I mean lusted after it, visualized, fantasized to the point of complete distraction. Powerful goddess that you are, you did whatever it took to manifest your desire. Whether it was a new dress, a new car, a new job, or a relationship, the one thing I can tell you for certain is that it involved change.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully managed change in your life before. And you can and will do it again.

We’ve been digging deep into that process these past many week as my series on change has helped you to create healthier ways to approach your dreams. And if you’ve been diligent, you may have made a few new changes as a result. Perhaps you’re over the moon. But there’s also a distinct possibility that you’re feeling a bit…disappointed, disillusioned, anticlimactic, maybe even depressed.

So what happens when the change you absolutely had to have turns out to be far less satisfying than how you’d imagined it would be? What’s wrong with you? And how can you get over yourself and just enjoy the fruits of your labor?

Well, my friend, there’s nothing wrong with you. This is an expected phenomenon. But with a little bit of conscious effort and reflection, you can create satisfaction and get back on track.

Dissatisfaction is a close, personal pal of change. It often crashes the party just when the victory celebration gets underway. I cannot promise you a way to avoid or eliminate it. But what I am giving you is a way to handle dissatisfaction like a boss.

First I’ll teach you the three main sources of your dissatisfaction. Warning: they often overlap and you might be under the influence of any or all of them at an given change. And then I’ll share 3 shockingly simple ways to overcome that nasty feeling trying to steal your thunder.

So grab your headphones, crank up the podcast, and repeat after me:

“Dear Dissatisfaction, I’m the boss of you!”

And in less than 15 minutes time, you can back that promise up!

#109: Be More Like Jane

See Jane. See Jane run. See Jane fall. See Jane cry. See Jane stand up, regroup, and do the same thing all over again. Jane is frustrated. Jane’s in pain. Where is Jane running to, anyway?

As it turns out, Jane is trying to get to Nordstrom’s. They’re having a BIG shoe sale. Jane needs new shoes. Jane’s shoes are worn to the sole and falling apart. Maybe that’s why Jane keeps falling down. Jane can’t afford new shoes and yet she’s planning to charge a pair of Louboutins. If she can ever make it there, that is.

Jane has fallen victim to clever marketing…and the old paradigm of change. Unfortunately, Jane doesn’t really exist or I’d put her in a pair of earbuds and have her listen to my latest podcast. STAT!

You don’t have to wait to be in excruciating pain to make a change. In fact, when your back is against the wall and you’re drowning in desperation, you may find it extremely hard to make sound long-term decisions.

You also aren’t a complete slave to your cravings and impulses. Changes born solely of lust and desire can also prove to be unwise.

Of course, we all have to change under duress sometimes. However, that can and should be the exception, not the rule.

But you already know that, don’t you? So does Jane. Here’s the problem: the old paradigm of change – the one most of us have accepted and bought into – preaches just that. It can literally be a free pass to sit on your butt making excuses when you know very well that you are so much better than that!

So are you ready for a new paradigm? Are you prepared for a tiny shift that can blow you mind and rock your world?

This week I will give it to you! I’ll expose the flaws in the old way we’ve learned to approach change. And I’ll replace it with a far more empowering, liberating, exhilarating way for you to start engineering the changes that will transform your life.

It all comes down to one simple word. I’ll reveal that word and guide you through a powerful assessment exercise that will allow you to take control of what, when, and how you make changes from now on.

I bet you can’t wait! Jane couldn’t. Wanna know what happened for her? Listen now!

Mentioned in the Episode:

#108: Pick A Lane

Nearly two decades ago, I was thrust into the midst of monumental change. After putting my husband through grad school, I quit my job, we packed our car, put what wouldn’t fit into storage, and drove across the country with our three year old to stay with our families while he looked for employment.

Huge changes, right? But that was just the tip of the iceberg. You see, what I thought was the beginning of a new chapter in our lives was actually the end of my marriage. I was literally dumped on my mother’s doorstep. The man I’d been with since my first year of college had engineered a plan to leave me with nothing…not my child, my belongings, or my self esteem.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not confessing some great tragedy here. The truth is I’m grateful for how things unfolded because it was a pivotal time for me; it paved the way for the life I have now. But it also forced me to make some critical decisions about change. As overwhelmed as I was, as much as I needed to face and sort out, the only way I could tackle all of those changes was one at a time.

Change rarely presents itself neatly, when you’re prepared, or in bite-sized portions. But that doesn’t mean you are destined to be caught off guard like I was. In fact, if you proactively monitor your life and assess what needs to be changed, you can often choose your changes before they choose you.

This week I’m teaching you a killer formula to determine where to start. It’s surprisingly simple. You’ll need to use your answers from last week. So if you missed it, hop over to the previous podcast, have a listen, and download and complete the worksheet. Then come on back to this podcast for step by step instructions for my foolproof method of pinpointing the one change your heart yearns for the most right now.

And in case you’re wondering, I got everything I needed back those 20 years ago. I raised a fine young man and I’m more awesome than ever!

Ch-Ch-Ch Change It

#107: Ch-Ch-Ch-Change It! 

When we were kids, my sister and I used to love watching animated Christmas movies. You know the ones, they ran every year. Frosty the Snowman, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and so many more. But there was one that featured a song that was crazy infectious; it applied to so many situations, was irrefutably basic and true, and just had to be sung. So…we sung it. And not just at Christmas. This song worked so well all year round that we’d sing it until we drove our parents batty. This song was – and is – a brilliant life lesson.

What is this essential piece of wisdom that you simply cannot live a full life without? I’ll give you a hint: it’s all about change. See if you can guess. (Spoiler: I’ll reveal it a little later.)

This week we are taking a leap to the next phase of my change series. So far I’ve shattered the myths, revealed the truths, and prepared you to embrace the discomfort of change. If you’re still with me, you’re ready for the next step: Identifying what the heck you want to change.

Right about now, you’re likely feeling a bit overwhelmed. Let’s face it, you’re a powerhouse and a go-getter and you want it all now. That is…until it’s time to break it down and really assess what that means. Because like most people, there are probably a gazillion things that you want to change…like yesterday!

So I’ma let you in on a little secret in this podcast. A secret that when fully believed and implemented will absolutely liberate you to start effectively creating all the changes you desire. Then I will give you a sneak preview of the surefire four step formula to successfully change anything. And finally, I will give you an exercise that will allow you to hone in on exactly what changes are most important for you right now. Are you ready to Ch-ch-ch-change it?

Betcha thought I’d forgotten about that promise I made earlier, huh? No, ma’am! Here it is:

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