Elyse Hughes – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

GOYW Podcast Episode - Elyse HughesListen in as Elyse Hughes discusses the challenges that can come from transformation.

“Underlying everything, we want something good for ourselves…even if we’re in a behavior we see as bad, most likely we’re just wanting to protect ourselves or make ourselves feel better because we’re going through something that’s hard.” – Elyse Hughes

ABOUT THIS GUEST:  Elyse Hughes is a TEDx Speaker, Writer and #HolisticJunkie that eases the process of lifestyle transformation. After healing herself of a debilitating skin condition and losing over 100 pounds through diet, she shares a message of converting addictions into SelfLove. With a thriving community on live platforms like Periscope, she simplifies health, making it doable, fun and lasting. www.elysehughes.com





Lunar Business Success by Monique Alamedine

Guest Post by Monique Alamedine

Do you know what the #1 productivity tool is, that’s FREE and staring you in the face right now?

Believe me when I tell you the moon is an untapped resource which so many Entrepreneurs are missing out on.  It’s predictable AND consistent – two important things you need as a solid base for your business.

Tired of constantly pushing to ‘make shit happen’, I was getting a sense that there was a better way of doing things. Nature was calling me back into it’s loving arms, and I was struggling to find a way to maintain my edge, while still being in flow.

I started feeling a pull to connect more with the moon, which was quite frankly the most amazing discovery.

Re-connecting felt like the most natural transition.

Glorious. Divine. Real – yet – Tangible. Solid.

Now you may think with all this moon talk that I’m a softly spoken hippy – think again.

Whilst I love the divine feminine energy, I’m far from being softly spoken and living in flowing dresses. It’s taken me years to realize that femininity comes in different packages and aligning with the moon has allowed the perfect blend of masculine and feminine energy to come together beautifully.


Tapping Into This Ancient Wisdom Ensures You Maintain Your Business Groove.

The two more commonly known phases are new and full moon.

New moon is perfect for setting your intentions for the month, as well as starting new projects.

Full Moon is the time to release what’s no longer serving you, and reap what you’ve sown.

The first half is about the doing i.e. Putting yourself out there, marketing, hustling, with the second half allowing time for reflection.

There are 8 phases of the moon cycle, with each representing a different focus & action :

  1. New Moon
  2. Waxing Crescent
  3. First Quarter
  4. Waxing Gibbous
  5. Full Moon
  6. Disseminating
  7. Third Quarter
  8. Balsamic

It takes the moon 29.5 days to orbit the Earth, hence why it’s an awesome goal-setting process with little check points on the way to hit your yearly goals.

I was drawn into La Luna’s magic through intuition, and if you’re feeling the same pull then start by going outside every night and moon-bathing.

Notice what phase she’s going through, and journal your thoughts and feelings.

The next new moon is on the 9th March (Southern Hemisphere) and it’s a super moon. This is when it’s at the closest point to earth during a new or full moon. She’s going to look bigger and brighter to us at this point so soak up the magic in all her glory.

Be sure to take the time to write your intentions down somewhere you can refer back to.

It’s a Pisces New moon which is the perfect time to re-connect spirit and business.

Think about how you can shift the energy in your business?

It’s time to put yourself out there, and accept that you may never fit in anywhere and that’s not a negative thing.

I created Zen Hustler because I just couldn’t find a place I belonged. I’m a multi-passionate, ambivert, spiritual, woo-woo badass, with the spirit of a hustler and the heart of a fairy. Pretty confusing huh.

If you can’t find what you want – create it.

Use the energy of this moon to re-configure all the parts of yourself scattered around, by accepting, loving and integrating the essence of YOU.

ABOUT THIS GUEST: Monique a Zen Hustle Mentor + Intuitive Biz Coach to ballsy soul-fuelled + heart-driven entrepreneurial women, who want to build a biz that ignites passion to entice profit. She helps blend hustle + flow using a mix of Ancient Wisdom, strategy & badassery. When she’s not writing or coaching, you’ll most likely find her drinking herbal tea through a Glass Straw, trying to hula hoop & dreaming of ways to inject more sparkle & love as she hustles about her day.ZenHustler.com

Listen to Monique’s Get Out of Your Own Damn Way podcast interview HERE.





Nicole Marie – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Listen in as Nicole Marie discusses the parallels of midwifing to getting unstuck.

“We all have the ability to be our own gurus.” – Nicole Marie

ABOUT THIS GUEST: Nicole Marie is an intuitive guide and holistic life coach on a mission to help everyone shine their light fully, claim their power and live the life they have always dreamed of. She spent 10 years as a midwife and 3 years studying with a shaman, guiding women through the physical and emotional birth process, rebirthing their lives and themselves in the process. She has a brilliant way of taking everyday occurrence and turning them into rituals and sacred moments. She’s obsessed with helping others get unstuck, connect to their intuition and discover how they want their lives to feel. www.createwithsoul.com





Monique Alamedine – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Listen in as Monique Alamedine shares the power of moon cycles and how they can help you stay in the flow.

“Listen in as Monique Alamedine shares the power of moon cycles and how they can help you stay in the flow.” – Monique Alamedine

ABOUT THIS GUEST: Monique is a Zen Hustle Mentor + Intuitive Biz Coach to ballsy soul-fuelled + heart-driven entrepreneurial women, who want to build a biz that ignites passion to entice profit. She helps blend hustle + flow using a mix of Ancient Wisdom, Strategy & Badassery.  When she’s not writing or coaching, you’ll most likely find her drinking herbal tea through a Glass Straw, trying to hoola hoop & dreaming of ways to inject more sparkle & love as she hustles about her day. ZenHustler.com





Overcoming the Good Girl Syndrome and Redefining What Success Means to You by Anna Lundberg

Guest Post by Anna Lundberg

My mum has often told me about the time that she came to my play school for the end of year ceremony. When my name was called, I sprung joyfully out of my seat and skipped towards the teacher. “Anna! Go back to your seat and walk properly!” was the response from the teacher. I was three years old.

In Form 2, aged five, I was told by my teacher to stand on my chair for the rest of the lesson, after I broke my ruler by mistake.

While going through my old exercise books a while back, there was a very clear message coming through from my teachers’ comments: I must be a “good girl”. I had to be careful, sensible. No mistakes. Neat and tidy. I must live up to everyone’s expectations.

Each of these stories is innocent enough perhaps but they all had lasting effects. The lessons that these teachers taught me don’t necessarily serve me well in a world where risk taking, entrepreneurship, and creativity can take you further than keeping your head down and working conscientiously…

The desire – or need? – to be a ‘good girl’, to please my teachers, to not disappoint, is deeply rooted in my DNA. That’s not to say that I’ve never been naughty (shh!) but I’ve always had that deep fear of being told off. Fundamentally, I still seek approval. I want that gold star, confirmation that I’ve done the right thing, the “Good girl, Anna!”

When you’re constantly looking for outside approval, relying on others to build your self-esteem, you’re never going to feel fully satisfied or at peace. You’ll analyze the comments people make, questioning why they said what they said. If it’s something complimentary then you’ll be hungry for more. If they criticize, or maybe even worse they’re indifferent, you’ll feel like crap.

At some point, you need to have the confidence to say: I’ve done my best, I’ve done a good job.

You don’t always get it right the first time. You make mistakes. This is a good thing! As long as you learn from your mistakes and you keep trying, these mistakes are ultimately what will lead to your success.

Life is messy. It’s not always neat and tidy! You’ll take some steps forwards and a few steps back; you’ll have huge successes and you’ll have some disappointments; you’ll feel inspired and energized and at times you’ll feel disheartened and wonder if you’re on the right track.

Success does not mean pleasing others, and it doesn’t mean getting everything right all the time. Real success comes from setting goals that are meaningful to you. Having the right goals in place is fundamental to achieving them and for that achievement to really contribute to your happiness and life satisfaction.

So forget about being a ‘good girl’ and create your own definition of success. Ultimately, setting meaningful goals is about intentionally creating the life that you want; one step at a time.

ABOUT THIS GUEST: A few years ago, Anna left the apparent security of a full-time job to work independently, pursue her passions, and make sure that she wouldn’t have any regrets when she’s sitting in that rocking chair in the retirement home in years to come. Today, she’s designing a life that allows her to live according to her most important values: freedom, personal growth and development, and authenticity. She’s mentoring start-ups on how to build their brands and market their message to customers, training new managers to become the leaders of the future, and coaching individuals on their personal journeys towards their most fulfilling lives. Coach, trainer, mentor. annaselundberg.com

GOYW Guest Podcast Episode - Anna Lundberg

Listen to Anna’s Get Out of Your Own Damn Way podcast interview HERE.





Anna Lundberg – Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Listen in as Anna Lundberg chats about the illusion of work-life balance and the benefits of stepping outside your comfort zone.

“Getting out of your own way is not just one escape, or one decision…it’s an ongoing process that requires continuous courage.” – Anna Lundberg

ABOUT THIS GUEST: A few years ago, Anna left the apparent security of a full-time job to work independently, pursue her passions, and make sure that she wouldn’t have any regrets when she’s sitting in that rocking chair in the retirement home in years to come. Today, she’s designing a life that allows her to live according to her most important values: freedom, personal growth and development, and authenticity. She’s mentoring start-ups on how to build their brands and market their message to customers, training new managers to become the leaders of the future, and coaching individuals on their personal journeys towards their most fulfilling lives. Coach, trainer, mentor. annaselundberg.com





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