Category Archives for Setting Goals

Why You Aren’t Reaching Those Goals

Have you ever had one of those days when you look around at your life and wonder “how the heck did I end up here?” When we’re younger, we have ideas about how our life will turn out. We think about the relationships we’ll have, creating a family, having a career, the type of lifestyle we want, etc. But things happen along the way. Unexpected things Things we don’t have control over (and some things we do). We get sidetracked, distracted, and can end up somewhere very different than we originally planned.

Sometimes we get so discouraged when we end up somewhere else that we might give up or stop making plans. But in the end, the person who suffers most from this kind of attitude is us.

When we set goals for ourselves, there can be many reasons we don’t reach those goals. As I like to say, setting goals is easy. Reaching them is another story. If goals were always easy to reach, we’d all be Olympians, or Nobel Peace Prize recipients, or doctors, or whatever else requires tremendous dedication and commitment.

But we rarely don’t reach our goals because we don’t WANT to reach them. There are a lot of other reasons that can get in the way, such as:

  • We have unrealistic expectations. We are a “give it to me now” society. If it didn’t take only 5 minutes to be in a situation that you want to change, it’s likely going to take more than 5 minutes to change it. Don’t fall victim to false advertising of having the perfect (body, relationship, job, etc.) in a short amount of time with minimal effort. That’s not realistic. And when we go into goals with unrealistic expectations, we will be disappointed and often quit way too early to see any real results.
  • We’re not quite ready. Reaching a goal takes a commitment of time, energy, focus, and motivation. While we may really want something, we might not be able to make the commitment necessary right now. That doesn’t mean we won’t be able to make that commitment tomorrow or next week or next year. But right now may just not be in the cards. It’s okay to not be ready.
  • We don’t have the right support. “It takes a village” is a phrase that especially relates well to reaching goals. Some of us want to do it all on our own, but how’s that working for you? Chances are, not great. Having others to support you on your journey is important, whether it’s people to cheer you on, hold you accountable, provide suggestions, etc. If you don’t have that, reaching goals can be challenging.

Whatever reason you have for not reaching a goal, remember to be kind and gentle with yourself. We’ve all set goals and not reached them. But that shouldn’t deter you from continuing to set goals for yourself.

For more ideas on how to set (and reach) your goals, please join me for my next monthly FREE Telseminar, Getting it Done: How to Set Goals (and Really Reach Them).” Simply go to the REGISTRATION page at, and enter your name and email to get signed up. Even if you can’t attend the live call, you will get access to the recording of the call, but only if you register.

Photo: Finish Line © by jayneandd

Show Those Goals Who’s Boss!

When it comes to achieving goals, most people have something to say about it. Which is good, becuase most of us look for advice. Setting goals isn’t hard. Reaching them is another story.

Here’s an inspiration movie with tips on reaching goals. Just some friendly reminders to help keep you on track. Enjoy!

Are You Ready to Set (and Reach) Your Goals?

08_AUG teleseminar banner adTired of setting goals, going at them with full force, then losing momentum so quickly it makes your head spin? Does it seem like you’re great at setting goals but not at reaching them? Are you ready to finally learn simple, practical ways to set and reach your goals?

From losing weight, to finding love, to getting promoted, to going back to school, there doesn’t seem to be a lack of goals we set in our society. After all, we’re a goal-driven culture, focused on achieving and acquiring the next best thing. But so many people have difficulty reaching their goals. We get side-tracked. We get overwhelmed. We get discouraged. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

If you’re ready to get real about reaching your goals, please join me for the August FREE Teleseminar… “Getting It Done: How to Set Goals (and Really Reach Them).”

In this teleseminar, I’ll cover:

  • Why Most Goals Are Never Reached (And How You Can Reverse That Trend)
  • How to Tell If You’re Really Ready for Change (or Not)
  • How to Set Yourself Up to Succeed at Any Goal You Ever Set For Yourself
  • A 4-Step Model for Setting (And Reaching) Any Goal

Don’t delay. Sign up today. The live call is coming soon. But don’t worry, if you can’t attend live, you can still sign up and get access to the recording. Simply go to the REGISTRATION page and enter your name and email to get signed up.

Are You Really Ready to Change?

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~ Larry Elder

What do you want in your life RIGHT NOW? Better health? Better relationships? Education? Career? Family? Are you working toward it or just thinking about it? Wishing it would magically appear with little to no effort or pouring your time and energy into making it happen?

Setting goals is easy. Reaching them is another story.

There are several reasons we might not reach a goal, but in the end it really comes down to one thing – whether or not we’re really ready for the change required to reach the goal. Sometimes we get tripped up into the amount of time, energy, money, sacrifice, or whatever it will take to reach the goal. Sometimes we think about what that change will mean – how it will affect our lives, relationships, and routines. One thing to always remember when figuring out whether or not you’re ready for change is that it’s okay if you’re not ready right now.

Because our society is so goal-driven, there can be a stigma associated with not reaching goals. There are expectations (spoken and unspoken) about what we SHOULD do (as well as when and how). My response to that? Stop SHOULDING all over yourself (and allowing others to should all over you too).

When you’re ready you will know. How? You will:

  • Weigh the pros and cons of changing, and realize the benefits outweigh the costs
  • Have some doubts you can do it, but look for ways to overcome them (rather than let them talk you out of what you want)
  • Start making small changes to create the right environment to help you succeed
  • Ask for help if you need it
  • Go for it!

For more tips on how to tell if you’re ready for change, please join me for my next monthly FREE Telseminar, Getting it Done: How to Set Goals (and Really Reach Them).” Simply go to the REGISTRATION page at, and enter your name and email to get signed up. Even if you can’t attend the live call, you will get access to the recording of the call, but only if you register.

Photo: Start Starting Line Americorps Cinema Service Night Wilcox Park May 20, 20117 © by stevendepolo

Planting Seeds For the Future

If you want to grow corn, plant corn. Simple concept. But when it comes to what we want in life, what seeds do we plant?

Think of your thoughts as the seeds. Are you planting clear goals with specific outcomes? Or are you planting vague ideas, fear, or other things you don’t necessarily want?

Be mindful of your thoughts, for they are the gatekeepers to your future. What you plant today you will surely see the evidence of tomorrow.

Here’s a little movie outlining this concept. Enjoy!


5 Tips for Getting What You Want

“Our job as creators is the what and the support we will be given from the universe is the how.” ~Sonia Choquette as interviewed by Jennifer McLean on Healing with the Masters

Imagine, if you will, a boxing ring. In one corner is something you want – a goal. It could be something you want to buy or something you want to achieve. If that goal were a person, imagine what he/she would look like. How tall, how big, what does their face look like, and what kind of feeling do you get when you look at them? This person represents WHAT you want.

Now, in the other corner is everything that needs to happen before you can get your goal. It could be money, time, energy, or a number of other things. If the thing (or things) that need to happen before you achieve your goal were a person, what would he/she look like? How tall, how big, what does their face look like, and what kind of feeling do you get when you look at them? AND how is it different from the person in the opposite corner? This person represents HOW you get WHAT you want.

And if you want to go even further, imagine these two people actually going at it in the boxing ring. Who throws the first punch and who wins the first round? I’m guessing you either have a smile on your face imagining this scene or a look of frustration or fear.

To be honest, my HOW person seems about 10x bigger, scarier, and more menacing than my WHAT person, who seems very sweet, happy, and ready to conquer the world. But to be brutally honest, these two people are actually two sides of the same person…me.

Often, we get caught up in the HOW of the situation when really we should focus on the WHAT. What do YOU want? Think about it. And then think about it some more. Does your mind stay focused on the WHAT or does it wander to the HOW? I’m the first to admit my mind spends a lot of time thinking of HOW, getting stuck in HOW, which leads to negativity, frustration, and fear. I find when I’m able to stay focused on WHAT I want, the HOW works itself out. People and opportunities magically show up at the perfect time that help support me in manifesting my WHAT.

Here’s some tips to help you find and focus on your WHAT:

  1. Set aside a chunk of time, whether it’s 5 minutes or 50. Have a pen and paper (or computer) nearby. Take some deep breaths. Close your eyes if you want. And just sink into your imagination to think about what it is you want right now. Get as silly as you want. The idea is to have fun and not get caught up in all the mechanics of how to make it happen. Then, write down your ideas.
  2. Pick ONE of your ideas that you really want to work on. Spend time focusing on it. Write down as much details as you can. Then TALK to someone you trust about your idea, asking them to just listen. And
  3. Spend a few minutes each day answering this question: “If I weren’t afraid I would…” Notice any recurring answers or themes.
  4. Identify a safe and supportive person in your life. This is someone who lets you be you and doesn’t judge you for it. Ask them to help you focus on the WHAT and gently remind you when you are getting caught up in the HOW.
  5. Make notes with your WHAT written on it and post them around your house, car, or office to help you stay focused.

Now all you need to do is sit back and watch the how unfold in front of you. I’d love to hear WHAT you want in your life and HOW it is manifesting for you. Leave a comment below.

Photo: india © by The U.S. Army