Category Archives for Relationships

One of the Top Ways to Get Unstuck

Do you feel overwhelmed, STUCK, burned out, caught up in F-E-A-R?

How many times do you hear people talking about being stuck? Stuck in:

  • Financial situations
  • Jobs
  • Relationships
  • Thoughts
  • Fear

Stuckness seems to be an epidemic.

Being stuck keeps us in the same place. Keeps us from moving to the next level. From living the life of our dreams. No matter how much we may say we want it to change, we get comfortable with the discomfort of our lives.

Not only do our circumstances seem grim when we’re stuck, but it also takes a huge toll on our emotional and physical health. Our bodies may feel tired, run down, tense, and achy, while our emotions may run from fear, to irritability, to worry. And this might lead to destructive behaviors, like over-eating or over-working, and negative thoughts like “I don’t deserve to be happy.”

And you know what? It really sucks! AND…we’ve ALL been there!

The thing is we think that being stuck is the problem. It’s not. Getting unstuck is where the problem lies.

There is a way OUT of stuckness and INTO the peace of mind, joy, and happiness you’ve been longing for.

Imagine your life and being able to:

  • Dissolve the stuckness that has a hold on you
  • Break through barriers and unlock the door to possibilities and prosperity
  • Move from negative patterns to positive ones that will propel you forward
  • Find solutions to everyday problems easily and effortlessly

So what’s the key to getting unstuck? Simply…it’s looking at things in a different way. And the absolute best way to do that is through the use of creativity.

Now I know what you may be thinking…”I’m not a creative person.”

But let me challenge that for a minute. Creativity is nothing more than being able to make something that is new and useful. I like to think of creativity as a way to solve everyday problems. And we all do that, don’t we?

I think what trips most people up is the idea that creativity is only about artistry. Writers, musicians, painters, poets, dancers…are all creative. Their creativity is seen in the outcome – the novel, the song, the painting, the poem, the dance. But creativity is also about the process – being in the moment with inspiration and allowing whatever comes to happen.  And this is why I can confidently say that you are a creative person even if you have never believed that.  Let me show you what I mean.

See if any of these seem familiar:

  • On your way to work you see a detour sign that prevents you from taking your usual route to the office
  • Your child comes home and says they have a project due tomorrow that they haven’t even started yet
  • A bill comes in the mail that needs to be paid a week before your next paycheck is deposited
  • A marketing idea you poured lots of time, energy, and money into in your business doesn’t yield the results you expected

If you’ve experienced any of these situations (or others that involve being faced with the unexpected), you’ve had plenty of opportunity to be creative. We all have experienced the process of being creative, which involves identifying a need (or a problem) and fulfilling that need (or solving the problem).

So how are you creative in solving everyday problems?

If you’re looking for creative tips for getting unstuck, I invite you to join me as I interview experts who share their most powerful and creative healing tools in the Creativity and Wellness Summit. Get more details and register at

Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Never Follow Your Dreams

What did you dream of when you were a child? I dreamt of being an astronaut, a veterinarian, and a superstar. Then I got some life experience under my belt and realized floating in space might make me nauseous, I’m squeamish about the insides of all living creatures, and the lack of privacy involved with being the next Madonna was a bit much for this introvert to handle (although that dream still lingers a little).

As I got older, my dreams changed based on what I was good at and what I felt really called to do. In my early 20’s, I remember chatting with a girlfriend and told her I wanted to combine all my passions into my work. At that time, my passions were helping people, graphic design, and songwriting. Guess what? Those are still my passions today and I’ve combined all of them into my business.

The road hasn’t always been easy though. Along my travels I’ve met a lot of people who get in their own way. I recognize them because I see myself in them. I’ve been there. And I’ve also been here, on the other side, continuously creating a life and business that I love. Do I still get in my own way…um, hells yeah! But I’ve learned to recognize it faster and get the heck outta there.

So what is YOUR dream? And why would you NOT want to pursue it? Here are some possible reasons:

 1. Getting what you want is scary.

Ever heard the saying “be careful what you wish for?” Sure people love to talk about all the wonderful things that happened once they reached a goal or dream. But they rarely mention all the crap that accompanies it. When going after something you want, fear is inevitable. It’s one of those dirty little secrets we don’t like to talk about. But we must. Because it’s true. We all experience it. And when you come face to face with your fear, it’s good to know that it’s normal.

 2. There’s effort involved.

If going after what we want were easy, we’d all be doing it, right? The universe will test your resolve. And typically, the dreams we are called to do…the ones deep in our hearts and souls…are not on the easy path. They require hard work and dedication. So if you’re not ready to roll your sleeves up and get your hands dirty, best stay right where you are and keep dreamin’.

 3. It takes time.

There’s a lovely phrase I must remind myself: “it takes 10 years to become an overnight success.” Our society has conditioned us (or tried to anyway) for instant gratification. If we can’t get it now, we don’t want it. But there’s something to be said for the satisfaction of waiting. The anticipation. The knowing you earned it. We appreciate things we have to work for and that aren’t instantly handed to us. Plus, we may think we’re ready for the big dream RIGHT NOW, but we might not be. Everything comes when the timing is right. Patience, my lil’ dreamer…patience.

 4. Your success may ruffle other people’s feathers.

We are often so consumed with our own fear about changing that we forget our changes can have a ripple effect in people around us. If you go after your dreams, it can be a painful reminder to those around you that they haven’t lived out theirs. And that pain can turn against you, literally, in the form of jealously, sabotage, or just plain hatin’. We intuitively know this because we’ve seen evidence of it at one time or another. And if your fear of rocking someone else’s boat is bigger than your fear of staying where you are, guess what?

 5. You might outshine someone you really respect and admire.

Everyone’s got a dream. But not everyone gets to live theirs out. Some people sacrifice so that others can live their dreams. And some of those people may be people you really care about, like your parents. Parents are hard-wired to want better for their children than they had. But some parents have difficulty hiding all their regrets as you rise up. It may be difficult to accept that someone else gave up their dreams so you could live yours, but remember we all have choices. By living your dreams, you just may inspire someone else to live theirs.

 6. It’s lonely at the top.

As you move toward what you really want, you’ll find less and less people on that path. You may at some point look around to find yourself spending less and less time with people you were very close to. But guess what? Keep looking, cause you’ll also find people, like you, who are taking the road less traveled. These are your kindred spirits…the ones who understand what it takes to live out their dreams. You may not have as many close connections but the ones you do have will be with people who get it.

 7. You might be happy.

This one may sound a little strange, but hear me out. If 99 things go right in your day, and only 1 thing goes wrong, which one will you focus on? That ONE thing, right? We are so used to focusing on the negative of how we feel and what’s going on, that feelings of true happiness can be uncomfortable. We seem to be more comfortable with criticism and negativity. What’s wrong with THAT picture?

8. Life will be boring.

This is a paradoxical notion…that once you reach your dream you’ll not have anything else to do in your life and life will be boring. Hmmm…let’s examine that one. When have you ever taken steps to reach a goal and had things NOT change up along the way? While you live out your dreams, you better believe that you will change and grow during that process, and that means your dreams will change and grow too. You might have different ideas of how to fulfill your dreams or new dreams might pop up along the way. Life isn’t boring when you are doing what you love.

If you’re still struggling with the idea of following your dreams, I invite you to listen in on the Get Our of Your Own Damn Way Interview series where I highlight people who have been there, done that, gotten out of their own damn way, and boldly embraced their dream and greatness. It might just give you the inspiration you need to go for it. Join us at

Are You Getting in Your Own Damn Way?

What’s stopping you from being the BRILLIANT, outrageously fabulous, heart-centered, service-minded, talented, creative, spirited, kick-ass person that you already are?

Want to take a guess?

It’s YOU!

You’re hiding. You’re scared. You don’t know what to do. You’re so focused on the HOW, you forgot about the WHAT and the WHY. You’re overwhelmed. And you are definitely…

Getting in your own damn way.

So stop it…Seriously…


Stop accepting mediocre, good enough, and the status quo.


  • you’re better than that.
  • you have so much more to offer.
  • you are powerful.
  • you are destined for greatness.
  • you are getting in your own damn way.

I get it. I’ve been where you are right now. I’ve made the excuses and played the mind games with myself…

  • I’m too busy being a single mom to focus on what I want.
  • I don’t have the time or energy to take care of myself or my business.
  • People don’t understand how hard it is to juggle everything.
  • I do such good work that I can half-ass it (and no one will notice).
  • Being successful is too hard.
  • Being seen…and vulnerable…is scary as @#$%!!!

And you know what?

All of that is true…to a point.

But you can allow it to be true to the point of STOPPING you…Or allow it to be true to the point of PROPELLING you forward.

It’s your choice. Make no mistake…it is a choice.

I know firsthand that focusing on the excuses and mind games is the absolute best way to…

  • spin your wheels
  • not get what you want, and
  • feel all shades of resentment, anger, fear, and frustration.

And I know that YOU know that too.

Making excuses is EASY. It’s automatic, doesn’t require any effort, and plays right into the insecurities we already have. But if you’re anything like me, you’re not looking for the easy way out.

You’re looking to fulfill your soul’s purpose, your life’s work, your passion.

You have a calling to BE WHO YOU ARE in life AND in business. And settling for anything less makes your heart and soul ache.

I want you to stop aching and be who you truly are. So the question is…are you ready?

Ready to…

  • step into your greatness?
  • come out from behind the curtain?
  • embrace your magnificence?
  • get out of your own damn way?

If that little voice inside you telling you it’s time can no longer be silenced…

I invite you to join me for the:


Powerful interviews with powerful people who have:

  • Overcome challenges
  • Tamed their fears
  • Stopped playing so small
  • Learned to embrace their greatness
  • Gotten out of their own damn way!

Get ready to be inspired!

The only thing you need to do RIGHT NOW is sign-up to get all the details to listen in via phone, web, or Skype at

Q&A: How Can I Love Myself More?

In today’s Q&A video blog, I’ll be answering a question that most people DON’T ask, but should…

How can I love myself more?

People instead ask things more along the lines of how to find love. Love is always an inside job. Sure we love other people, and other people love us. But the most important kind of love is self-love. Watch and listen as I share some tips on how you can love yourself more.

Want to know more about how to tame your fear, embrace your greatness, and get out of your own way?

Ask your question and you just might see it in an upcoming video blog. Simply send your question to

Won’t You Be Yours?

Happy Valentines’ Day!

Today is a day to celebrate love. Our society focuses on the love of partners (and the buying of stuff to prove that love).

But I’d like us all to remember, regardless of our relationship status, that the most important love to celebrate (today and every day) is the love we have for ourselves.

So today, please know that:

  • You deserve love
  • You are lovable

And that means:

  • Love yourself
  • Treat yourself the way you want and deserve to be treated

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”– Buddha

I’m so honored to be a part of your journey. Be kind and gentle (and loving) with yourself!


Photo by: Elin B

The Self-Love Healing Playlist: 14 Love Songs Celebrating You

There may seem like a lot of reasons to NOT love yourself that are based on standards of physical beauty, expectations of how you “should act,” and unrealistic ideas of being “perfect.”

We all know how to NOT love ourselves. We’ve been taught how to do that from an early age. But rarely have we been taught how to truly love and accept ourselves.

That’s why I created the…14 Day Love Yourself Challenge.

It’s 14 days of daily lessons that include inspiration and practical, creative action steps. Because music is such an important part of my life, and a great compliment to healing, I created this Self-Love Healing Playlist of 14 songs, one to go with each lesson. Listen to all the songs below.

And if you’re interested in signing up for the 14 Day Love Yourself Challenge to get the lessons that go with each of these songs, go to it’s FREE to join.

1. Feeling Good by Michael Bublé

2. What is Love Anyway by Howard Jones

3. Seasons of Love from Rent

4. Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson

5. Christina Aguilera – Soar (with lyrics)

6. Think Good Thoughts by Colbie Caillat

7. Video by India.Arie

8. Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston

9. Thank You by Dido

10. F**kin’ Perfect by P!nk

11. Walking Away by Unspoken

12. With a Little Help From my Friends by the Beatles

13. Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper

14. Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds