Category Archives for Relationships

Do You Trust Yourself, Part 2: The Beautiful Truth About Trust

In Part 1, Do You Trust Yourself, Part 1: The Ugly Truth About Distrust, I shed light on the toll distrust (of others and yourself) can take on you. I also talked about how we tend to separate ourselves from trust, thinking its something outside of us.

Now I’d like to dive deeper into what trust really is, break it down, to take away its scary power.

So, what is trust? The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as:

A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something

Let’s break that down.

Reliability is about being consistent. It’s about doing what we say we’re going to do. It’s about integrity and being true to our word. It’s about our words matching our actions. We all know people who say one thing and do something different. But is that person you? Do you say you’re going to start a new healthy lifestyle then back out of it? Do you say you’re going to work toward getting a better job or relationship, then not do anything to change your current situation? Are you truly reliable? The reason our words and actions don’t match is typically because:

  • We really don’t want what we say or think we want (and sometimes just don’t quite know it or want to admit it)
  • We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings
  • We don’t want to look bad

SOLUTION: Take a look at the areas in your life where you ARE reliable. What helps you keep your word? Then take a look at the areas in your life where you ARE NOT reliable. If you don’t want what you got, admit it, then make a plan to accept it or change it. If you’re afraid of hurting someone’s feelings, realize that it hurts more and is more confusing when you aren’t reliable, as most people internalize that as something they did (or didn’t) do. If you don’t want to look bad, remember that you have no control over how others view you. You have control over how you view yourself and how you treat others.

Truth is about being honest with ourselves. Are there areas in your life where you tell little white lies to yourself, like “this situation isn’t really THAT bad.” As painful or uncomfortable as it is, the truth can set you free. It allows you to take a look at the current reality for what it is. And that’s the first step toward change. Where we get stuck is by attaching judgment to the truth, saying to ourselves things like “I’m a bad person if I think this or want something different.” When faced with negative thoughts about ourselves, we put up defenses to protect ourselves, such as:

  • Putting other people down (silently to ourselves or out loud)
  • Denying and burying our uncomfortable feelings
  • Pretending everything is okay

SOLUTION: Be honest with yourself about what you want and who you are. It may be uncomfortable at first, but remember it’s a starting point. Practice accepting your truth, being compassionate with yourself, and forgiving yourself for not being perfect.

Ability is about what we can do. It’s the skills, talents, and expertise we have acquired through education, training, and experience. It’s about what we can do physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And boy, can we do some serious damage in this area. Have you ever muttered the phrase, “I can’t.?” I’m not even going to wait for you to think about that one, because I KNOW you have. I have too. We’ve ALL said that (many times I’m sure). “I can’t” is often our default when:

  • We don’t know how
  • We’re afraid of making a mistake or not being perfect

SOLUTION: Know your abilities. Accept what you can do (and what you truly cannot). If you don’t know how to do something, figure it out. Ask someone. Take a class. Research it. Get help. If you’re afraid, breathe through it. Learn and practice strategies to help you manage your fear. Get the support you need.

Strength is about our capacity to do something. It’s about what we can handle, or rather…what we THINK we can handle. When things keep piling up, obstacles keep presenting themselves, and roadblocks keep appearing, what do you do? Do you keep moving toward your goal or do you give up? Strength is about continuing on in the face of adversity. It’s also about seeking whatever support you need along the way.

SOLUTION: Know that any change you make will be accompanied by tests. Tests to your abilities, tests to your faith, and tests to your perception of who you are. If you DON’T experience tests, you’re not on a path to change. Remember that strength comes from continuing to move forward, which involves feeling what you feel and asking for the help and support you need along the way.

Trust is really a series of actions, and not something outside of us. It’s about how we handle ourselves, our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions. Just as we’ve learned to NOT trust, so can we learn to trust. And trust starts with trusting ourselves. When we can learn to trust ourselves, knowing that we can be reliable and truthful, use our abilities (or acquire new ones), and be strong despite challenges, we can know that we have the power to choose what we will and won’t allow in our lives. It won’t matter as much what other people do, because we will trust ourselves to make the best decisions possible

Move forward…and trust yourself!

Photo by: Adrian Ruiz

Love and Football: What Football Can Teach Us About Loving Ourselves

As many people are getting ready for the Super Bowl tomorrow here in Phoenix, I’m staying far away. You see, I know that being in traffic, around people who are rowdy, and near big crowds are things that send me over the edge. Of course, I’m not a fan of football either, so that might have something to do with it too.

What I am doing is getting ready to kick-off the 14 Day Love Yourself Challenge, which coincidentally starts tomorrow on Super Bowl Sunday.

And that got me to thinking…how are loving yourself and football related?

Football takes:

  • Passion
  • Commitment
  • Acceptance

And so does loving yourself! Hmmm…I think I’m onto something here…

Passion is all about what motivates us. It is the drive behind our actions and what keeps us going when things get rough. In football, passion is seen long before a player reaches the Super Bowl. It’s seen on football fields everywhere with young players who have a dream and the drive to play because it’s what lights them up inside. In loving yourself, it’s important to know what your passion is. What to you wake up for? What drives you to do what you do? We all have a passion for something. Knowing what that is AND routinely doing it are essential.

Commitment is all about making a decision to do something and following through on it. It’s about not letting obstacles derail you from your goal and keeping the faith. In football, commitment is seen on and off the field…in how players train, hone their craft, and use their experience and skills on the field. In loving yourself, commitment is seen in how you treat yourself. What are you committed to? If you’re committed to loving yourself, then you will be taking action to be kind and gentle with your thoughts and body.

Acceptance is about allowing and acknowledging what is happening in this moment. It’s about being open to the present moment while also understanding the past and future have influence but aren’t in charge. In football, acceptance is seen in how players shift what they are doing to fit their opposing team’s strategies. If they whined and threw a temper tantrum because the other team got the ball, not a lot would get done. But they take a time out, re-group, and change their game plan. In loving yourself, acceptance is key. You must accept what your current reality is, which is the first step in the journey to change it (if that’s what you wish to do).

Loving yourself is a game-changer. On the offense, you’ll be in control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. On the defense, you’ll be able to tackle (and break free from) the grip of negativity, powerlessness, and blah-dom. And it allows you to face adversity knowing someone will always be in your corner to cheer you on.

For more tips and specific steps you can take to love yourself, I invite you to join me for my FREE 14 Day Love Yourself Challenge. Find out more at

Photo by: COD Newsroom

Love is an Inside Job

As we approach February 14, I am compelled (yet again) to be the voice of the single woman who doesn’t need a relationship to define her, complete her, or make her feel loved. I get so passionate at this time of year when messages flood my TV, inbox, and newsfeed that spout lies (blatant and otherwise) like:

  • A diamond ring is supposed to solve everything
  • Being coupled off is the ONLY way to have a smile on my face
  • He doesn’t love me if he doesn’t buy me stuff
  • I must be unlovable if I’m not in a relationship

Good grief…get a grip!

If we believed everything we see and hear, we’d surely be hating ourselves, bathing in self-loathing so intense we would be cranky, tired, unproductive. We’d feel fearful, sad, and lonely. And we’d be ready to give up on life and ourselves.

Oh, wait…

A lot of us are already there (even people in relationships)! And it’s no wonder with messages like these.

I’m here to preach the TRUTH, though. The TRUTH is that:

  • We are ALL lovable, worthy, and deserving of LOVE
  • We are responsible for our own happiness

And the biggest TRUTH of all…

Love is an inside job

Too often, we look outside ourselves to people and things to “make us” happy, “make us” complete, “make us” feel loved. As a trained psychotherapist, I cringe every time I hear someone say “how does it MAKE YOU feel?” Let me set the record straight…

  • No one MAKES you feel anything
  • No circumstance MAKES you feel complete
  • Nothing can MAKE you feel or do or be anything

Now before you start running through all the scenarios of how someone could “make you” do something by force, let me say that most of us aren’t going through life with a gun pointed to our heads. If you are, you’ve got bigger problems that not getting a diamond ring for Valentines’ Day.

I’m talking to those of you who get caught up in the lies and are looking outside yourself for love and validation. You know who you are! And you have got to understand that this is the reason you aren’t satisfied or happy. Because only YOU have control over your own feelings.

How about instead of relying on someone or something to “make you” feel loved, you make a commitment to love yourself?

  • If no one is “in love” with you right now (or even if they are), BE IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF!
  • If you want flowers (or chocolates or jewelry), TREAT YOURSELF!
  • If you want to be showered with compliments and appreciation, SAY NICE THINGS TO YOURSELF!
  • If you feel like others don’t accept you, ACCEPT YOURSELF!

In short, LOVE YOURSELF. Sure others love you too. And there are different types of love. But LOVE YOURSELF because…

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”

– Buddha

If you’re looking for specific steps you can take to love yourself, I invite you to join me for my FREE 7 Day Love Yourself, Love Your Business Challenge. Find out more at

Photo by: Shimelle Laine

Do You Trust Yourself, Part 1: The Ugly Truth About Distrust

Recently as I was successfully avoiding work by answering emails and browsing Facebook, I came across a theme, which prompted this question to pop into my head:

Do you trust yourself?

It’s a seemingly simple question, but upon further examination has so many layers to it. Let me get you started by asking some more questions.

  • Do you get excited about something only to question it later on?
  • Do you believe you are not safe in the world?
  • Do you spend your time and energy running away from things that are scary and painful?
  • Do you question your judgment?
  • Do you take a long time to make decisions, weighing every little pro or con – or even AVOID making decisions?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I’d say you might have some issues trusting yourself.

As I study more and work more with people on moving through their fear, I realize that trusting oneself is absolutely key. But really, how many of us even know what that truly means?

We know about trusting others, when trust is broken, ways to earn trust back, but the underlying assumption here is that trust is outside of us. It is bestowed upon others or earned. And that we are somehow separate from it.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

I said to someone recently as we were talking about dating that what I have learned over the years about trust in relationships is really how to trust myself.

I took a long break from dating to focus on raising my son and building my career. It was a choice. And it was a choice that was, in part if I’m totally honest, based on my fear of trusting.

I used to think my problem was trusting others. I grew up in such a chaotic, unpredictable environment that I learned I couldn’t trust the people close to me. I couldn’t trust their words to match their actions, or their actions to provide me with the safety and comfort children need to thrive. Frankly, I learned how to distrust, and I suspect most of us have learned that lesson all too well.

But the unfortunate byproduct of not trusting others is that we somehow throw ourselves in that mix. Logically, if people close to us are not trustworthy, then by default, we are untrustworthy as well.

When we don’t trust ourselves, we:

  • Have difficulty making decisions
  • Question ourselves and our choices
  • Look to others to define and validate us
  • Experience high levels of fear and anxiety
  • Are more likely to distract ourselves or avoid certain people, places, and things in our lives

Sound familiar?

Just as we learned along the way to not trust, there is a way to re-learn how to trust again, which is good news, right?

In Part 2, Do You Trust Yourself, Part 2: The Beautiful Truth About Trust, I’ll explore what trust really is and give some tips on how you can trust yourself.

Photo by: Capture Queen

The ONE THING You MUST Focus On to Accomplish Any Goal

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” ― Benjamin Franklin

Happy Freakin’ New Year! Happy end of the last year. Happy looking forward to a fresh start and a clean slate.

Are you chomping at the bit to lose weight, get in shape, better your relationships, grow your business, try something new, or otherwise jump on the resolution bandwagon?

Or are you just plugging away, same old same old, trying hard not to plan or dream big cause you’ve tried before and it hasn’t worked?

Or are you somewhere in between?

This time of year brings out a lot of emotion and baggage. Fear, resistance, excitement, hesitation, frustration, anticipation…you name it.

But while so many people focus on WHAT they are wanting to have or create and HOW to do it, I think a lot are missing the boat on the real reason we have hopes, dreams, and goals.

It’s not really to accumulate stuff, or be a size or two smaller, or achieve something. Those are the tangible results, yes, and often very rewarding. But the REAL reason we do what we do is to feel a certain way.

We’ve lost sight of our WHY.

Regardless of WHAT your goal is or HOW you can go about achieving it, you simply must spend some time and energy focusing on the WHY.

Our WHY drives us and keeps us going when things get challenging. Because things WILL get challenging. It’s inevitable. Our WHY is the feeling behind what we’re creating. And if we’re not in touch with our why, it’s really easy to give up.

When faced with figuring out the WHY, most people start answering with the superficial answers of the immediate gain. But I invite you to dig deeper and explore how you would FEEL and what you have to gain in the long run. Below are examples.

WHY do you want to get in shape?

The Superficial Response

  • to lose weight
  • to get off medication
  • to look good naked

The real WHY behind it

  • to feel more energized, less fatigued, less blah
  • to be around for my children or grandchildren
  • to feel more confident, sexy, happy, and in control of your life

WHY do you want a better (or different) relationship?

The Superficial Response

  • to get away from a bad situation
  • to have someone who gets me
  • to not be lonely

The real WHY behind it

  • to feel more connection and love with my partner
  • to share my life with someone
  • to feel more

 WHY do you want a different job or to grow your business?

The Superficial Response

  • to make more money
  • to spend more time with my family
  • to get more clients or customers

The real WHY behind it

  • to provide a better life for myself and my family
  • to make a bigger impact on the world
  • to answer my calling and use my talents and skills

You’ll start to realize your WHY for most of your goals is very similar or will have common themes, such as:

  • Increased confidence, self esteem
  • Happiness
  • Service and/or connection to others
  • Fulfilling your life’s purpose

These are common things that drive us all as humans. And if we’re not focusing on these as the real reasons driving us, we can be easily tempted to give up when things get rough.

So as you set those resolutions, make sure you take some time to think about and declare your WHY. Even post it where you can see it and share it with your support system (aka cheerleaders).

Photo By: Randy Heinitz

Your “Cheat Sheet” for When To Use What Type of Healing Tool

In a recent article, “The Three Categories of Healing,” I shared the three categories of healing: body, thoughts, and actions. But how do you know when to focus on what?

That’s a great question. When we’re stuck, the last thing we want is to guess at what would be most helpful to us. So I’ve created a little “cheat sheet” to figure out what to focus on and when…along with some immediate tips…


Question 1: Are you experiencing physical sensations in your body (or no sensations) that make it difficult to focus on anything else?

If not, move onto question #2

If so, then you MUST reconnect with your body and quiet your mind. Remember I mentioned that we can disconnect from our body and not read its signals? If you are feeling a lot (or nothing at all), it’s a good sign you’re not clued in with exactly what your body is trying to tell you.

HOW do you connect with your body? Breathe! Breathing is one of the best ways to get reconnected with your body. But not just any kind of breathing…conscious breathing. When we’re stressed, we tend to breathe shallow, from our chest. But we want to breathe from the belly to get the best bang for our oxygen buck. Take a moment to put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Inhale through your nose and allow your breath to fill your belly like a balloon, noticing the hand on your belly moving away from you. Then exhale through your nose and allow your breath to leave your body, as your belly deflates like a balloon, noticing the hand on your belly moving toward you. The hand on your chest should not move at all. It may take a few tries to get this down. As you breathe, just focus on your belly and your breath.


Question 2: Do you have many thoughts spinning around in your head at once?

If not, move onto question #3

If so, then it’s time to check in with your body and give your brain a rest. You must reconnect with your body and quiet your mind. See HOW in question #1 above.


Question 3: Do you have a lot of negative thoughts about yourself or why things always happen (or don’t happen) to you? Or do you never seem to be happy with whatever circumstance is happening in your life?

If not, move onto question #4

If so, then it’s time for a THOUGHT (aka attitude) adjustment. Not only the specific thoughts we have can keep us stuck, but the actual way we think. Learning to identify the way you think and using ways to turn off the negative thinking can help you start to change.

HOW do you change your thoughts? Affirmations. Using positive statements (aka affirmations) is a fabulous way to shift your mindset from the negative. But there is a trick. You MUST phrase affirmations with positive language AND in the present tense. Remember, what you focus on expands. So any negative language talking about what you DON’T want is exactly what you’ll create more of. Also, if you phrase your affirmation in the future, you are basically saying you’ll have it someday but not now, and that’s probably not want you want either. Here’s some examples of not-so-great affirmations: “I don’t want to be stressed out anymore,” “I would like to be happy and fulfilled.” Instead, try these: “I can handle whatever comes my way,” “I am happy and fulfilled.” You get the idea. If you need more examples, search the internet. There’s tons of good affirmations out there. Once you have a good one for you, post it where you can see it and say it aloud several times a day.

Question 4: Are you tired of feeling stuck in a rut?

If not, congratulations! You are right where you want to be.

If so, it’s time to ACT. Sometimes the only way out is to move. Make a decision. Take some action. And things will change. Maybe not quickly, maybe not exactly the way you anticipated. But the only way to get results is to do something.

HOW do you take action? Do Something (or do something different). Action requires that you do something. You probably already know what you want to do, or “should” do. So make a point to do it. If you have a goal that has a lot of steps, just break it down and take one small step. One tip is to write down your action step on your calendar. Make it official. You might also tell a friend or loved one about your intention so you have someone to be accountable to.


I hope these tips have been useful in helping you determine what to use when you continue along your healing journey.

But there’s another question I’d like to ask you…

When’s the last time you said YES to yourself?

One of the things I see come up time and time again with my clients is this notion that saying yes to yourself is somehow selfish. Yet, healing MUST start with you taking care of yourself.

Let the catch 22 begin…

Here’s a different question:

When’s the last time you said NO to yourself?

Do you ever put your dreams on hold, or change plans, or stop yourself from doing something? Every time you put something off, or put someone else before you when you don’t really need to, you’re saying no to yourself. OUCH!

Sure there are times when others do come first. But overall in your life, are you really making yourself a priority? Or does everything and everyone else come first?

This habit of saying yes to everyone else is really one of saying no to yourself. And whether or not you can see it (and my guess is you can but just don’t want to), it’s taking a HUGE toll on you.

Here’s some subtle (and not so subtle ways) saying yes to others (and no to yourself) can be affecting you:

  • Zaps your self esteem as you feel less important than everyone else
  • Prevents you from doing something you really love to do
  • Traps you into thinking you don’t matter
  • Creates resentment, anger, and possibly some passive-aggressive behaviors you may not be terribly proud of

Now if the stuff on the list above is what you really want, then keep doing what you’re doing. But I’m guessing if you could really see how saying yes to everything and everyone else but yourself is affecting you, you’d want to stop immediately. Am I right?

Of course, that can be easier said than done. So where do you start?

By making small changes using tools that really work. Tools like setting boundaries, using positive statements, owning your own value and power, and making a habit of cutting out that which doesn’t serve you. I’ve already been sharing other tips in these last few articles.

But I have SO many more tools in my arsenal that I’d love to share with you…

I’ve put together a bundle of my best tools that have helped me and my clients, and can help YOU too. In an upcoming article, I’ll share an opportunity for you to get access to these tools and to say YES to yourself!

Until then…

Happy healing,

Got a comment to share about these tools and how they worked for you? Leave a comment below…